I faced my hardships, and it made me stronger
Portrait of Leena Penildas Thatkuras, standing on a path between two fields, with her hand on her hip. Her three-wheeler is parked in the background.

Disability inclusion

I faced my hardships, and it made me stronger

Lessons from a high-performance factory in Viet Nam
Poong in Vina reports improved working conditions and social dialogue since joining Better Work in 2010.

Better Work

Lessons from a high-performance factory in Viet Nam

ILO advocates for decent work and social justice in historic UN Plastics Treaty Negotiations
Delegates gather for the opening of INC-5


ILO advocates for decent work and social justice in historic UN Plastics Treaty Negotiations

Wage inequality has declined in two-thirds of countries worldwide since start of 21st century
Man wearing a work uniform holds a machine wheel in a factory.

Global Wage Report 2024-25

Wage inequality has declined in two-thirds of countries worldwide since start of 21st century

The ILO’s approach to advancing social justice and promoting decent work is built on the foundation of tripartism and social dialogue. It brings together governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations from its 187 Member States to address world of work challenges, set and monitor international labour standards, and works with development cooperation partners on projects and programmes to help realize the Decent Work Agenda.

Governance organs and official meetings

ILO Governing Body

ILO Governing Body

International Labour Conference

International Labour Conference

Sectoral meetings

Sectoral meetings

Programme of ILO official meetings

Programme of ILO official meetings

ILO Priority Action Programmes

Transition from the informal to the formal economy
Zakaria Adama Lacera is CEO of Yumzaa Enterprises, a shea processing and soap business in Ghana, which she is in the process of formalizing.

Transition from the informal to the formal economy

Just transitions towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies
Fishers folding a green fishing net next on a handmade boat

Just transitions towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies

Decent work outcomes in supply chains
garment factory in the Philippines

Decent work outcomes in supply chains

Decent work in crisis and post-crisis situations
Rebuiding team in Ukraine

Decent work in crisis and post-crisis situations

Featured publications

World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal social protection for climate action and a just transition

World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal social protection for climate action and a just transition

World Employment and Social Outlook: September 2024 Update

World Employment and Social Outlook: September 2024 Update

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024: Decent work, brighter futures

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024: Decent work, brighter futures

Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour

Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour

More from the world of work

Observatory on AI and Work in the Digital Economy
Abstract AI Observatory illustration 1200x504

Observatory on AI and Work in the Digital Economy

ILO Live: Broadcasting on the world of work 24/7
ILO live icon

ILO Live: Broadcasting on the world of work 24/7

ILO Voices: First-person stories from the world of work
Voices illustration

ILO Voices: First-person stories from the world of work

Infostories: Labour issues through infographics, videos, maps and case studies
Illustration for infostories

Infostories: Labour issues through infographics, videos, maps and case studies

Support and capacity building

ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards
An illustration showing three helpdesk staff.

ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards

International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO)
training icon solid

International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO)