Internal Labour Migration in Myanmar: Building an evidence-base on patterns in migration, human trafficking and forced labour

This report presents the results of a survey conducted in mid-2015 among 7,295 internal labour migrants across all 14 states/regions in Myanmar. The respondents were interviewed about jobs in 13 industries in the private sector, including construction, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, fishing, forestry, domestic work and others. Analysis of the survey data points to patterns in the recruitment, migration, working and living conditions among respondents, as well as indicators of abuse and exploitation imposed on workers by employers and recruiters.

The study was based on ILO guidelines presented in Hard to see, harder to count: Survey guidelines to estimate the forced labour of adults and children ( ), which provides comprehensive information and tools to enable practitioners to undertake national surveys on forced labour and human trafficking. Based on an analysis framework designed specifically for the Myanmar study, the report presents rates of human trafficking and forced labour among the survey respondents, and describes their characteristics and behaviours to identify possible determinants of such exploitation. The findings and recommendations provide a basis for conceiving evidence-based policies, plans and activities by a range of government, community, private and international actors to prevent the exploitation of internal labour migrants in Myanmar.