
Following two decades of internal conflict which ended in 2000, Peru has grown rapidly and social indicators are improving.

The population of 29 million is young, although the birth rate is slowing. The diverse economy reflects Peru’s geography. Peru has rich fishing grounds as well as mineral resources, and tourism is a growing industry.

Concerned with their ancestral land, indigenous groups are increasingly vocal in their opposition to natural resource exploitation and construction of dams, mines and oil fields. In response, the government has issued environmental protection laws although social tension persists.

Economic growth has been accompanied by poverty reduction and employment growth, more children are going to school and infant and maternal mortality are down.

Decent work and labour market issues

Labour and employment are key to poverty reduction, sustained development and social inclusion, top of the development agenda in Peru.

Reforms since the return to democracy in 2000 have improved the legal framework for decent work. Social dialogue was promoted through the formation of the tripartite National Council of Work and Employment Promotion.

Social protection is being extended through targeted programmes, however the poorest often lack access to quality services and a safety net. Less workers are in vulnerable jobs, although women still outnumber men in these positions.

Child labour continues to deprive many children of a better future and is an issue of ongoing concern.

Decent work into national policies

The National Growth Strategy lays the foundation for reaching the Millennium Development Goals and channels focus for relevant policy including national plans for poverty, food security, rural development. The growth strategy aims to 1) promote human capacity and respect for rights; 2) promote economic opportunity and 3) to establish a social safety net.

To promote the Decent Work Agenda in Peru, the following priorities have been identified:

i)   Creating employment and promoting entrepreneurship to increase social inclusion

ii)  Extending social security to the most vulnerable

iii) Strengthening labour institutions to promote social dialogue and understanding of rights at work

iv) Continue combat child labour

These DWCP priorities also contribute towards the United Nations Partnership for Development Framework (UNPDF).

National partners


ILO KILM, 7th Edition
UN Statistics Division, MDG Indicators
World Bank Data

Further reading

Perú: Propuesta de Programa Nacional de Trabajo Decente (2004-2006)
Resumen Ejecutivo. Objetivos de Desarrollo de Milenio: Informe de cumplimiento Perú
Marco de asistencia para el desarrollo: Sistema de Naciones Unidas en el Perú (2006-2010)
World Bank. Peru: Country Brief