Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work (MAP)

The ILO/EC project will work with government agencies (including Ministries of Labour), National Statistical Offices, workers’ and employers’ organisations and research institutions to strengthen the capacity of developing and transition countries to self-monitor and self-assess progress towards decent work.

Background information

Monitoring and assessing progress towards decent work at the country-level is a long-standing concern for the ILO and its constituents. Against this background, the 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization details that member States may consider “the establishment of appropriate indicators or statistics, if necessary with the assistance of the ILO, to monitor and evaluate the progress made” (Paragraph II.B.ii.). In the past, countries have repeatedly called for ILO technical cooperation to support their efforts to monitor and assess progress towards decent work.

Main objectives of the project

Implemented by the ILO with funding from the European Union, the project “Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work (MAP)” will help to address this need. Over a period of four years (2009 to 2013), the project will work with government agencies (including Ministries of Labour), National Statistical Offices, workers’ and employers’ organisations and research institutions to strengthen the capacity of developing and transition countries to self-monitor and self-assess progress towards decent work.

The project will facilitate the identification of decent work indicators that are relevant at the national level (based on the outcome of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts held in September 2008); support data collection; and use the collected data for an integrated policy analysis of decent work in order to make them relevant for policy-making. Project activities include: the preparation of background country-studies; national consultation workshops to identify decent work indicators; regional workshops on decent work indicators; support to national statistical offices or other relevant institutions; the preparation of in-depth country-studies on decent work; national meetings of researchers and policy makers to disseminate the results of country-studies; training and knowledge-sharing workshops; and the production of a manual on the “global methodology to self-monitor and self-assess progress towards decent work”.

Project countries and global outreach

The project covers nine countries in all major regions, including two countries in Africa (Niger and Zambia), four in Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia and Philippines), one in Europe (Ukraine) and two in Latin America (Brazil and Peru). Through the regional activities, the global methodology will be disseminated beyond the project countries. The project is implemented by the Policy Integration Department (INTEGRATION) in close collaboration with the Department of Statistics, other technical units; regional, sub-regional and country offices; and the ILO’s International Training Centre in Turin.

Project activities

    August 2011, Niamey, Niger – Tripartite Consultation Workshop on Measuring Decent Work in Niger

    June 2011, Jakarta, Indonesia - Capacity-building Workshop Data Analysis for Monitoring Progress towards Decent Work

    June 2011, Jakarta, Indonesia - Tripartite Validation Workshop of the Indonesia Decent Work Country Profile

    May 2011, Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Tripartite Consultation and Capacity Building Workshop on Measuring Decent Work in Cambodia.

    April 2011, Kiev, Ukraine – Validation Workshop on Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work, and launch of the Decent Work Country Profile – Ukraine.

    November 2010, Turin, Italy - Training courses: LMI2- Designing labour force surveys & labour force modules for household surveys to measure decent work.  LMI 3 - Analysing survey data to monitor labour market conditions & progress towards decent work.

    June 2010, Regional Workshop on Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work in Asia

    April 2010, Lima, Peru – Tripartite Consultation Workshop on Measuring Decent Work in Peru: Taller tripartito de consulta sobre la medición del trabajo decente en Perú

    April 2010, Lima, Peru – Regional workshop for Latin America: Taller regional sobre la medición del trabajo decente

    March / April 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh – Tripartite Consultation Workshop on Measuring Decent Work in Bangladesh

    March 2010, Jakarta, Indonesia – Tripartite Consultation Workshop on Measuring Decent Work in Indonesia

    January 2010, Siavonga, Zambia – Data Analysis Training Workshop for Labour Market Information and Monitoring Decent Work

    January 2010, Siavonga, Zambia – Special Session of the Advisory Committee for the Zambia Decent Work Country Programme on Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work in Zambia

    December 2009, Dakar, Senegal – Regional workshop for francophone Africa: Mesure et suivi du travail décent. Atelier technique du BIT pour le renforcement des statistiques et informations sur le marché du travail

    September 2009, Kyiv, Ukraine – National Consultation Workshop for Ukraine on Decent Work Country Profile and Decent Work Indicators

    August 2009, Brasilia, Brazil – Tripartite Consultation Workshop on Decent Work Indicators for Brazil

    July 2009, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Regional workshop for Anglophone Africa: Strengthening Labour Market Information to Monitor Progress on Decent Work in Africa

    May 2009, Turin, Italy – Training course: Analysing Survey Data to Monitor Labour Market Conditions and Decent Work

Further Information

Project brief: Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work (MAP)

Additional resources

Database of Conditions of Work and Employment Laws

Legal Indicators for Decent Work (Minimum wages, working time and maternity protection)


Ms Naima Pages, MAP CTA (