Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body Second report: Arrangements for a tripartite meeting on labour migration (Geneva, 4–8 November 2013)

Record of decisions | 26 March 2013

Decision on the 13th item on the agenda: Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

Second report: Arrangements for a tripartite meeting on labour migration (Geneva, 4–8 November 2013)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the following composition formula: 12 Government representatives nominated after consultation with the regional coordinators, 12 participants nominated after consultation with the Employers’ group and 12 participants nominated after consultation with the Workers’ group. Other Government, Employers’ and Workers’ delegates would also be invited to attend the meeting as observers at their own cost.

(Document GB.317/INS/13/2, paragraph 5.)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the following agenda:

  • § labour migration in the context of debates on international migration and development of the post-2015 development framework;
  • § the effective protection of migrant workers, with reference to the particular vulnerabilities of low-skilled and middle-skilled workers;
  • § sound labour market assessment needs, and skills recognition and certification; and
  • § international cooperation and social dialogue for well-governed national and international labour migration and regional mobility.

(Document GB.317/INS/13/2, paragraph 7.)

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations

The Governing Body took note of this part of the document.

(Document GB.317/13/2, paragraph 8.)

Invitation of international non-governmental organizations

The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, authorized the Director-General to invite the following international non-governmental organizations to be represented at the meeting as observers:

  • § Amnesty International (AI);
  • § Human Rights Watch (HRW);
  • § International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC);
  • § Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA);
  • § Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM);
  • § the Migration Policy Centre;
  • § the Migration Policy Institute.

(Document GB.317/INS/13/2, paragraph 10.)