
Decision concerning the report of the fifth meeting of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (Geneva, 23–27 September 2019)

Record of decisions | 01 November 2019

The Governing Body took note of the report of the Officers concerning the fifth meeting of the Standards Review Mechanism Tripartite Working Group (SRM TWG) and, in approving its recommendations:

(a) further to its earlier decisions, requested the Office to:

(i) initiate the preparation of proposals for possible standard-setting items on the topics of biological hazards, ergonomics and manual handling, chemical hazards and guarding of machinery, for consideration at its 338th Session (March 2020) for inclusion in future agendas of the International Labour Conference;

(ii) be guided by the recommendations of the SRM TWG regarding the thematic integration approach and the process of standard setting in preparing those standard-setting proposals for inclusion in the agenda of the Conference at the earliest dates possible and as a matter of institutional priority;
(b) decided that the eight instruments concerning employment policy reviewed by the SRM TWG should be considered to have the classifications it had recommended, and requested the Office to take the necessary follow-up action in that regard;

(c) called upon the Organization and its tripartite constituents to take concerted steps to follow up on all its recommendations as organized by the SRM TWG into practical and time-bound packages of follow-up action, noting in particular tailored plans of action encouraging States party to the Unemployment Convention, 1919 (No. 2), and the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 96), to ratify related up-to-date Conventions;

(d) requested the Office to commence work on developing tools and a compilation of good practices in relation to public employment services, and guidance on job creation and decent work in SMEs and the establishment of an enabling environment for sustainable SMEs, including consultation with the Bureau for Employers’ Activities and the Bureau for Workers’ Activities;

(e) noted the SRM TWG’s intention to evaluate the Office follow-up involving tailored plans of action concerning Convention No. 2 at its meeting in 2026;

(f) noted the SRM TWG’s recommendations concerning the abrogation and withdrawal of certain instruments, in relation to which it will consider (see GB.337/INS/2(Add.1)):

(i) placing on the agenda of the 110th Session (2021) of the International Labour Conference an item concerning the withdrawal of the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention, 1933 (No. 34); and

(ii) placing on the agenda of the 119th Session (2030) of the International Labour Conference an item concerning the abrogation or withdrawal, as relevant, of the Fee-Charging Employment Agencies Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 96);

(g) noted the work undertaken by the Office in follow-up to the recommendations of the SRM TWG at its earlier meetings and requested the Office to continue as a matter of institutional priority that follow-up as planned;

(h) decided that the SRM TWG would examine ten instruments concerning unemployment benefit, comprehensive standards and medical care and sickness (five instruments and five outdated instruments), within sets of instruments 5 and 11 of the revised initial programme of work, at its sixth meeting; and

(i) decided to convene the sixth meeting of the SRM TWG from 14 to 18 September 2020.

(GB.337/LILS/1, paragraph 5.)