Impact Report Series, Issue 12

Assessing the impact on employability and quality of employment of non-formal apprenticeships in agriculture-related trades

The “Impact Report Series” disseminates research reports from Taqeem-supported impact evaluations. Reports include baseline, endline and qualitative reports which describe the research designs, methodologies, interventions under investigation and policy and programmatic findings and recommendations.

This report presents the findings of the impact assessment of the “Combating Worst Forms of Child Labour by Reinforcing Policy Response and Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods and Educational Opportunities in Egypt Programme”, with particular concentration of the programme’s apprenticeship component. The report explores net effects of the upgraded apprenticeship project on the beneficiaries’ ability to secure decent work, improve working conditions and increase retention rates.

In evaluating the apprenticeship project, a quasi-experimental design relying on propensity score matching (PSM) is employed. The quantitative analysis is further supported by a qualitative study drawn from focus group discussions with beneficiaries’ parents and interviews with officers in participating companies.