Impact evaluation of the Professional Training for Graduates (PTG) programme of Montenegro

The primary objective of this report is to evaluate the PTG programme’s effectiveness and efficiency. For this purpose, we compare the main labour market outcomes or activity history of PTG participants. The report offers conclusions and recommendations.

The Professional Training for Graduates (PTG) programme, operational since 2013, targets all young university graduates in Montenegro with no recorded or significant work experience. The primary objective of this report is to evaluate the PTG programme’s effectiveness and efficiency.

For this purpose, we compare the main labour market outcomes or activity history of PTG participants. These include employment during the first, second and third year after completing programme, as well as wages per employed person and per cohort member in the same period. Utilizing three different scientific net impact evaluation approaches, our evaluation shows that there are no direct gains from the PTG programme in terms of main labour market outcomes. In other words, any improvements in the labour market situation of university graduates during the period under observation should be ascribed to factors other than the PTG programme.

Despite this objective assessment, PTG participants show high levels of satisfaction with the programme and consider its many aspects useful for their professional advancement. This contradiction is not unique to this programme. We hypothesise is that it provides fair and equitable income support, as well as a sense of security and societal attention important for young people at the sensitive start of their working careers in a difficult labour market.