
An Omani man displays vegetables in a souk ©ILO

The Sultanate Oman has been a member state of the ILO since 1994, all of which are one of the eight fundamental conventions.

In 2010, the ILO launched the 2010-2013 Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). During that period, ILO in Oman built the capacity of tripartite constituents in areas such as social security, employment, skills development, International Labour Standards, labour inspection, social dialogue, and the promotion of entrepreneurship. 

In 2014, the Government of Oman has agreed to extend the DWCP until the end of 2016. The main focus areas of the 2014-2016 DWCP were:

  1. Omanisation of the workforce;
  2. social dialogue;
  3. labour administration;
  4. International Labour Standards; and
  5. social protection.

Employment Promotion

In 2011, the ILO conducted an employment sector report detailing the enabling environment for sustainable enterprises (EESE) in Oman. The report used the 17 conditions framework to conduct a comparative analysis of the enabling environment for sustainable enterprises in Oman across each policy area of the study. The report includes a survey of Omani firms with firsthand interviews, as well as policy recommendations for the Omani government. In 2012, the ILO carried out a seminal study entitled Assessment of the Labour Market and Omanisation Implications of the Economic Diversification Strategy.  That same year the ILO also undertook a skills mapping exercise and analysis of vocational training institutions in Oman.

Social Security

In 2012, the ILO assisted the Government of Oman to produce an actuarial review of the scheme administered by Public Authority for Social insurance (PASI) and trained for national specialized staff to use the newly proposed model resulting from the review. The same year, the ILO consulted Oman on the financial and legal possibilities of establishing an unemployment insurance scheme to provide some social security benefits to migrant workers through a provident fund financed by the migrant workers and their employers.

Tripartism and Social dialogue

The capacity of workers’ and employers’ organisations has been significantly increased by ILO actions following the Government of Oman’s stated commitment to ratify ILO Conventions on freedom of association and collective bargaining. Accordingly, with ILO technical and financial support the General Federation of Oman Trade Unions held its first congress in 2014 with two out of the eleven female members of the Board of Directors. The Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) has also befitted form ILO support to help it hold its first Board of Directors’ elections the same year without members being appointed by the government.  The OCCI also received ILO support to produce proprietary assessments on restructuring and priority setting.

Occupational Safety and Health

In order to bolster the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standing of Oman, the ILO prepared a national OSH profile in 2011. Building on this report, the Ministry of Manpower in Oman has issued a national OSH strategy and the ILO is engaged in providing assistance to implement the strategy.