Decent Jobs for Egypt’s Young People: Tackling the Challenge in Agriculture

The project aims to create decent employment opportunities, mainly in agriculture, for young men and women in the Egyptian Governorate of Aswan.

Geographical area of implementation: Aswan Governorate

Donor: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)

Contact (s): Dahlia Hassanien- Roque, Technical Officer | Mohamed Nasser, National Project Coordinator | Sara Aboulmagd, Administrative and Finance Assistant   

Project Background

The greatest threat to Egypt's tenuous economic progress and social stability is its tremendous lack of decent work opportunities for young people (aged 15-29) especially in rural areas. The unemployment rate for the young is currently 30.1 per cent – 23.5 per cent for men and 50.59 per cent for women (2013, 1st quarter estimates). This is only the tip of the iceberg as many young people have to accept low productivity, low paid and insecure jobs, far below their capabilities.

The situation has become even worse after the revolution as a result of the economic downturn. The lack of decent work is preventing the next generation of Egyptians from gaining skills, experience and income necessary for further economic, social and political development of their country. The overall employment situation is particularly critical for youth living in rural areas. The lack of decent work opportunities is leading young people into economic inactivity or away from rural areas and into over-crowded cities where job perspectives are not much better. Young women in rural areas suffer from some disadvantages, such as high unemployment rates or underpaid work.

Implementation Strategy

The project is implemented:
  • on the regional and local level with relevant public institutions and stakeholders in the Governorate of Aswan.
The project also works with youth initiatives in selected locations and will implement small pilots on the ground, working directly with young people.

Objectives and expected outcomes

The project aims to create decent employment opportunities, mainly in agriculture, for young men and women in the Egyptian Governorate of Aswan.
  1. Strengthen the performance of local partners (Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Government Organizations (GO) in this Governorate to provide improved services related to youth employment.
  2. Deliver entrepreneurial skills packages and support in agriculture to small farmers, including specialised entrepreneurial capacity development for poor rural women and skills development and labour market integration for people with disabilities in rural areas.
  3. Enhance the agricultural supply chain in Aswan and develop value-adding activities on local crops.
  4. Promote cooperatives and other membership-based organizations for both farm and non-rural employment.
  5. Improve the knowledge, awareness and legal setting in Egypt on priority areas in the area of conditions of work, especially for women in the agricultural sector.

Main project activities

The main project activities can be clustered into seven categories:

  • Capacity building
  • Policy advice
  • Technical assistance
  • Awareness raising
  • Network and partnership building
  • Skills development
  • Project implementation assistance

Partners and beneficiaries

  • Young people in the Governorate of Aswan, especially those engaged in agriculture
  • Aswan Governorate officials
  • Ministry of Manpower and Migration
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Business and financial services providers
  • Aswan University
  • Businesses
  • Social Economy units such as farmers associations and cooperatives
  • NGOs

For further information, please contact:

Ms. Sara Aboulmagd, Administrative and Finance Assistant, Tel: (+202) 27286061 – 27350123, E-mail