Raising awareness: Forced Labour features through images in Myanmar

The project aims at eliminating all forms of forced labour through awareness-raising on forced labour issues, reinforcing the ILO’s complaints mechanism and promoting community empowerment. Through the project a media development strategy will be developed, involving a series of short films, radio program and billboard advertising campaign.

These will take the form of short documentaries (15 minutes each approximately), radio messages, and  poster image depictions representing the different faces of forced labour, notably child and bonded labour, traditional forced labour, trafficking for forced labour, and forced recruitment with an emphasis on underage recruitment.

The ILO will work with local partners, to jointly develop a message that effectively raises awareness on what constitutes forced labour, the harm it causes to men, women and children, and what they can do to prevent and combat it. The different media will be based on ILO’s experience in the field and will notably use the ILO’s complaints mechanism network of over 800 facilitators during the pre-production and production phases as source of relevant information, testimonies and dissemination thereafter.


  1. Increase nationwide knowledge and recognition of the different facets of forced labour
  2. The complaints mechanism is strengthened to address complaints and negotiate for resolutions


  1. A media communication strategy involving short films and radio messages will be developed and disseminated to raise awareness on forced labour, its harms and many forms
  2. Outreach materials on the different facets of forced labour produced and distributed
  3. Billboards established in prime location in communities
  4. Awareness raising and monitoring visits carried out

Expected Outcome

This project aims to contribute to increasing the awareness of both the Government and the Myanmar people on the issue of forced labour. For the Government to be able to undertake better informed decisions as regards to enforcing laws and policies to eliminate the use of forced labour and for the individuals to be able to become more aware of the harms of forced labour so that they can take action to lift themselves out of this kind of situation.