What's new

  1. Event

    ILO-JCM Seminar for Workers and Employers: Building Constructive Labor-Management Relations Overseas (28th Jan.)

  2. ILO/UN Women study

    Public attitudes towards migrant workers remain unfavourable in ASEAN destination countries

    18 December 2019

    Despite their positive contribution, public attitudes towards migrant workers remain unfavourable in ASEAN destination countries, new ILO and UN Women study reveals.

  3. Women migrant workers

    Public attitudes towards migrant workers in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand

    18 December 2019

    Public support for migrant workers remains limited in key destination countries in ASEAN, reveals a joint ILO/UN Women report warning against discriminatory attitudes and practices against migrant workers.

  4. TICAD 7

    ILO attends TICAD 7 and the Special Conference on Peace and Stability in the Sahel Region

    03 December 2019

    Summary of ILO's participation in the Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD) 7 Plenary Meeting in Yokohama, Japan.

  5. Seminar Report

    Summary of Outcomes: Roundtable on Advancing international collaboration on Responsible Business Conduct for sustainable supply chains in Asia

    30 November 2019

    A multistakeholder meeting in Tokyo discussed RBC expectations in supply chains.

  6. News

    Japan: Responsible labour practices as part of core business operations in supply chains in Asia contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    25 November 2019

    The ILO and APIR (Asia Pacific Institute of Research) co-host a symposium for Japanese businesses in the Kansai region hear research findings from Japanese and Chinese electronics sectors and share ideas on how the SDG goals can be achieved through core business operations.

  7. Fact sheet

    Employment and environmental sustainability in Asia and the Pacific

    20 November 2019

    The Employment and Environmental Sustainability Fact Sheets series provides key indicators of employment and environmental sustainability performance. They include: (i) employment in environmental sectors; (ii) skill levels; (iii) vulnerability of jobs; (iv) jobs in renewable energy; and (v) scoring on the Environmental Performance Index.

  8. Seminar Report

    Japan: Support for SMEs should be a key focus for multinational businesses looking to strengthen CSR in supply chains

    19 November 2019

    The ILO and OECD co-host a roundtable for Japanese businesses to discuss and share ideas concerning Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) and Responsible Business Conducts (RBC) in supply chains in Asia

  9. Fact sheet

    Employment and environmental sustainability in Japan

    18 November 2019

    The Employment and Environmental Sustainability Fact Sheets series provides key indicators of employment and environmental sustainability performance. They include: (i) employment in environmental sectors; (ii) skill levels; (iii) vulnerability of jobs; (iv) jobs in renewable energy; and (v) scoring on the Environmental Performance Index.

  10. Event

    The Symposium commemorating the ILO’s centenary: The 32nd International Symposium on Labour Issues