Elimination of sexual harassment in the workplace - Fiji

According to the National Policy on Sexual Harassment and the Employment Relations Promulgation in Fiji, all employers are responsible for ensuring that workplace policies on elimination of sexual harassment are in place.

Two trainings have been conducted in Fiji on elimination of sexual harassment. The first took place in the International School of Suva for approximately 100 teachers and non-teaching staff, and the second was organized with the Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association in Nadi for 30 general managers, team leaders, supervisors and human resource personnel.

According to the National Policy on Sexual Harassment and the Employment Relations Promulgation in Fiji, all employers are responsible for ensuring that workplace policies on elimination of sexual harassment are in place. The policy should be communicated clearly to all staff, and be followed up with proper training.

The trainings allowed the participants to learn more about what sexual harassment is, what the negative impacts are for targets, workplaces and the society, how to draft workplace policies, what grievance procedures need to be in place, how to communicate the policy to staff, and how to follow up on the policy’s implementation.

The International School of Suva will now establish a drafting committee which will make sure that the school has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, and that proper grievance mechanisms are in place for both staff and pupils.