REMINDER: Reports on ratified Conventions due by 1 September 2011

Periodic reports on ratified Conventions are due to be submitted to the ILO by 1 September 2011.

Periodic reports on ratified Conventions are due to be submitted to the ILO by 1 September 2011. Governments should have received correspondence from the ILO in February setting out the reports that are due this year and any comments from the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations that need to be responded to. The reporting timetable for each country can also be accessed online (see ILS Regular Reporting Schedule ).

If a report due is your country’s first report on that Convention or there has been a significant change in labour law or policy since the last report, then the form approved by the Governing Body for that Convention should be completed. Otherwise the simplified report form can be used. Don’t forget to attach to your reports relevant legislation, court decisions and government reports as indicated on the reporting forms. It is also good practice to consult with workers’ and employers’ organisations about draft reports prior to their finalisation and this step is mandatory for those countries that have ratified Convention 144 on Tripartite Consultation.

If you would like any assistance in completing your reports or have any questions to ask with respect to the necessary procedure, please contact Caroline Scott.