STED Analytic Phase in Myanmar

Web page | 13 June 2017
The main output for the STED project in Myanmar were to conduct STED analysis through close collaboration with key stakeholders in two selected sectors in order to identify skills development strategies and develop the implementation plan for these strategies. The STED analytic Phase in Myanmar consisted of the following two stages:
  • Preparatory/consultative stage
  • Analysis and participatory planning stage
The preparatory and consultative stage took place between late April 2015 and early August 2015 with a main purpose to narrow down the scope for STED sector selection. The following activities were undertaken:
  • Desk research and inventory of previous, ongoing or upcoming studies
  • Meetings and interviews with public and private key stakeholders identified by STED team to shortlist potential STED sectors
  • Identify Project Steering Committee (PSC) members and establish the PSC
  • Validation of the shortlist with the PSC members and selection of two sectors for STED project through a PSC meeting
  • Endorsement of the selection results (Tourism and V&F sector) by the PSC chairman MoLES
The analysis and participatory planning stage for Tourism took place between August 2015 and February 2016. It consisted of the following actions:
  • Participatory Sector Needs Survey in tourist guides sector
  • Analysis of business environment of the tourism guides value chain and skills demand/supply of tourist guides
  • Validation of assessment findings and recommendations with participatory planning of next steps
The analysis and participatory planning stage for V&F sector has been ongoing since Mid-August 2016 with similar actions being taken or planned. Initial results of the STED survey on Mango were presented on the PSC in September 2016.