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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization


Policy topics
The Secretariat of the Commission collaborated with outside experts on papers that collect and interpret facts and perceptions relating to the social dimension of globalization.

It established "knowledge networks" involving the authors of these papers as well as other experts, including those in the multilateral system.

Practitioners and experts from national and international spheres were invited to respond to questions and to contribute policy proposals and ideas for the topics under consideration through electronic exchanges or workshops.

These networks was seen as an open process, a means to draw on a wide range of views and perspectives.

The work undertaken by the Secretariat does not commit the Commission either in terms of priority themes or in terms of approaches and policy options.

The Secretariat is currently examining the following topics:

Values and goals in the context of globalization

How can the benefits of globalization be made more inclusive? Policies for inclusion at the national level

Local markets and policies in a global context

How can cross-border networks of production and technology promote Decent Work, growth and development?

International migration: Is labour mobility part of the global policy agenda?

International governance for inclusive globalization

Cross-cutting themes.

The Commission
How it works
The Secretariat
The Secretariat's tasks
Global consultations
Policy topics
The Social Dimension of Globalization
Press Releases

Established by the ILO
 Updated 24 February 2004