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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
Poland 16-18 February 2003 (National Dialogue)

    photo of the opening session Since the late 1980s, Poland has followed a clear-cut political strategy to embark on a rapid process of globalization and regional integration. None of the participants questioned such a path. Globalization had helped reinforce the post-socialist transition to a market economy and, by and large, the country had clearly benefited from it.

At the same time, participants expressed their frustration for the persisting high levels of unemployment and for the fact that neither foreign investment nor trade seemed able to provide visible remedy. Specific concerns were raised for the employment implications of restructuring in agriculture and a few traditional industrial sectors and for the effects of competition by low-wage countries in Asia.

There was a general feeling that in order to catch up with the opportunities offered by globalization and alleviate the gloomy employment situation, the country had to significantly enhance its institutional and legal infrastructure; improve public administration; strengthen domestic financial markets; and make critical investments in its technological and skills base.


Speech by Prof. Kolodko, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance - PDF

Report of the meeting - PDF

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Established by the ILO
 Updated 20 March 2003