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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
China 26 November 2002 (National Dialogue)

    The National Dialogue in Beijing was arranged within the framework of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, in consultation with some 45 participants from Chinese government agencies, trade unions, representatives of enterprises, academics and NGOs. The Co-chair of the Commission, President Tarja Halonen of Finland, attended the afternoon session of the dialogue and addressed participants.

Chaired by the Secretary General of the host institution, CDRF, Mr. Lu Mai, who is also a member of the World Commission representing China, the meeting focused on three generic issues: what impact has China received along with the process of globalization? What are the attitudes of Chinese people toward globalization and what do they expect from it? What measures should be taken to benefit the vast majority of the people in the process of globalization all over the world?


Report of the meeting - PDF

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 Updated 28 February 2003