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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
Lima 7 December 2002 (Regional Dialogue)

  The Latin American Regional dialogue on the Social Dimension of Globalization was held in Lima. The 20 participants included Bill Brett, Daniel Funes de Rioja and Juan Somavia. Representatives of the public sector, including the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Mexican Congress and the Minister of Labour and Employment Promotion of Peru, leaders of business, labour and civil society organizations, officials of integration processes and distinguished academic figures were also present.

Participants were informed of the three themes (policies for job creation, initiatives for developing social objectives in the regional integration process, reforms to move from a sectoral multilateral system to an integrated and coherent system) established during the dialogues in Argentina-Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico:

The manner in which Latin America participates in globalization is distinct from both that of Africa or Asia and also unlike the developed countries whose participation takes place within an environment of well-being. Latin America participates in a crisis context – and the crisis is here and now. However, this reality does not lead to negativity in the region. Instead it generates a firm resolve to find proposals that will humanize globalization. It was emphasized that the particularity of Latin American insertion in globalization must be adequately taken into account in the Final Report of the World Commission.


Program - PDF

Report of the meeting - PDF

List of Participants - PDF

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 Updated 28 February 2003