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Speaking in plenary

For inscriptions only:

For electronic submission of the text of speeches:

At least one day before they are scheduled to speak, delegates are requested to send the text of their speeches electronically to, or hand in a printed copy at the Clerk's office, for the use of the interpreters and the Conference Record Service.

At its 317th Session, the Governing Body decided to propose to the present session of the Conference, that it defer, on a trial basis and subject to certain derogations of its Standing Orders, the translation and production of the Provisional Record of speeches made during the plenary discussion of the Reports of the Chairperson of the Governing Body and of the DirectorGeneral (agenda item I) until after the Conference.

A scanned version of the submitted speeches will therefore be posted on the Conference website shortly after delivery, along with the audio recordings in the original language, as well as the interpretation into English, French, and Spanish. Delegates are requested to clearly mark “Check against delivery” and the name of the speaker and delegation on the text itself. In cases where delegates need to exercise their right to reply, a written translation of the speech in question in one of the official languages of the ILO would be provided upon request.

The Provisional Record of speeches will be posted on the web on 22 July 2013. Delegates who wish to have corrections made to the printed text of their speeches must communicate these corrections in writing to the International Labour Office (Conference Record Service) by 5 August 2013.

The time limit for speeches, under article 14, paragraph 6, of the Conference Standing Orders, is five minutes. For guidance, five minutes is roughly equivalent to three double-spaced, typed, A4 pages. The time allowance is managed by a timing device on the speaker’s desk on the podium, indicating the time left for speaking. A buzzer sounds to show that the speaker’s time is over. Delegates are urged to ensure that their speeches do not exceed the prescribed time limit.


Last update: 24 May 2013 ^ top