ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

GB.271/TC/6 and Add.1
271st Session
Geneva, March 1998

Committee on Technical Cooperation



Implementation of the resource mobilization strategy

1. This paper is submitted in response to the Committee's request for a brief report on the action taken regarding the implementation of the resource mobilization strategy (RMS).(1)  It should be read in conjunction with other documents before the Committee at its present meeting.(2)  It does not replace the annual report to the Committee, submitted in November.

Initiatives taken

2. As the success of all resource mobilization depends heavily on sound programme development, special efforts are being made to introduce new packages of international programmes and to consolidate the operational structure for the ongoing programmes (International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), More and Better Jobs for Women (WOM/EMP), and Strategies and Tools against Social Exclusion and Poverty (STEP)).(3) 

3. In addition, the annual directors' meetings organized by the regional offices focus on specific programme responses to exceptional circumstances, such as the economic crisis in South-East Asia. At the same time attention is being given to the need for follow-up on the eventual adoption of the Declaration of principles concerning fundamental rights and on the development of regional resource mobilization strategies.

4. As follow-up on the Turin III-APP workshop and taking into account the initial indications given by Governing Body's Working Party on the Evaluation of the APP, it has been decided to develop new guidelines on the establishment of country objectives and on their use as a programming tool not only for field activities, but also for headquarters programming.

5. Communications were sent to the Directors of Regional and Area Offices and to the Directors of Multidisciplinary Teams to inform them of changes in UNDP policies, procedures and programming arrangements. In the light of recent positive developments in UNDP's role as donor, the field structure was encouraged to set "realistic but ambitious targets" for attracting an increased share of UNDP's available development resources. As a result, ILO technical cooperation expenditure under UNDP increased by 32.7 per cent in 1997 (compared to 1996), and approvals increased by 60.3 per cent over the same period.

6. In order to launch a marketing campaign, as foreseen in the RMS, the Director-General has asked the Deputy Director-General responsible for external relations (DGA/REL) to propose a Public Relations Strategy. This is being done with the help of a professional marketing consultant, whose task is to develop a time-schedule and activities to help the units concerned to develop appropriate promotional material for their programmes. A staff seminar on "social marketing" will be organized to familiarize staff with the new techniques and approaches. Work has started on developing marketing materials for some of the global programmes, such as WOM/EMP and STEP.

7. Between March and the end of 1998, presentations will be made in major donor countries on the ILO's new approaches to technical cooperation. Efforts made so far are starting to bring benefits in the form of a clear increase in expressions of interest in working together with the ILO from a number of countries (Belgium, Finland, Luxembourg, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States). Interest in working on a programme basis (rather than a project basis) is also increasing. Resource mobilization outside the traditional channels is starting to show results: for example, there has been a joint collection by the Italian social partners and UNICEF in Italy in support of IPEC and UNICEF programmes in Asia.

8. New guidelines for the field structure on how to deal with specific donors, the EU and the UN (e.g. UNDAF) are in preparation and will form the basis of a comprehensive training scheme to be integrated into the training courses organized by the Personnel Department, the Bureau for Programming and Management and the regional departments. These new activities are complementary to the Office's ongoing resource mobilization activities.

Geneva, 2 March 1998.

1. GB.270/TC/2.

2. GB.271/TC/4 (Information on the development of new global programmes); GB.271/TC/2 (Operational aspects of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)).

3. GB.271/TC/4.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.