ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Other financial and general questions

Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations
on its activities for the period from 1 July 1996 to 30 June 1997

1. This is the 29th annual report(1)  of the Joint Inspection Unit. The eight sections of the report include information on different aspects of the Unit's work during the period under review; a list of the participating organizations; the composition of the Unit and its secretariat; the procedural aspects of the programme of work; measures to further enhance the functioning of the JIU; relations and cooperation with participating organizations and other oversight bodies; and follow-up on JIU reports and recommendations.

2. The Office wishes to add a few comments on some of the issues addressed in the annual report. With regard to the programme of work of the JIU (section V), the ILO units both at headquarters and in the field will continue to extend the assistance required by the Inspectors in the preparation of the reports. Regarding section VI on the measures taken to further enhance the functioning of the JIU, the Office takes note that the Unit has followed up on General Assembly resolution 50/233.(2)  The Unit is now developing its internal information technology system, which can be linked to the databases of its participating organizations. This will hopefully result in a reduction in its numerous requests to the secretariats of the participating organizations for the collection and analysis of data and other information.

3. In transmitting the annual report to the Director-General, the Chairman of the JIU drew attention to its Annex I. This proposes, on the basis of the JIU Statute (which the various organizations, including the ILO, have accepted) and General Assembly resolution 50/233 of 7 June 1996, the establishment of a "more effective system of follow-up on reports of the Joint Inspection Unit", in order to give them "(a) ... active and serious consideration by the legislative organs of the participating organizations, with the benefit of specific and timely comments on them by the secretariats, and (b) that there is expeditious implementation of the approved recommendations contained in them, with full reporting on the implementation measures taken and analysis of the resulting impact". More specifically, it proposes actions and measures to be taken by the executive heads of the participating organizations regarding the distribution of the Unit's reports as well as the inclusion of the thematic reports of the JIU in the appropriate agenda items of the work programme of the appropriate legislative organs (paragraphs 6-10). "The legislative organs should plan their work programmes so that sufficient time is allocated to allow for active and serious consideration of the relevant JIU reports ...", and "... take concrete action on each recommendation of a JIU report under consideration ..., rather than just taking note of the report as a whole" (paragraphs 11-12).

4. Paragraphs 14-16 outline the establishment of an internal tracking system, which would enable the JIU to track each step taken towards consideration of a report by the appropriate legislative organ, including measures taken by the secretariat. Paragraphs 17-25 include measures to establish a new system to follow up on the implementation of approved and accepted recommendations following a format developed by the JIU for each report, indicating (a) the recommendation; (b) the unit responsible for implementation; (c) the official in charge of implementation; (d) the timetable for implementation; and (e) the initial impact of implementation.

5. In accordance with the established practice, the annual report of the JIU is submitted to the Committee for information. The introduction of the proposals included in Annex I of the annual report of the JIU would necessitate changes in current procedures and practices established by the Governing Body regarding the handling of JIU reports. The Director-General therefore intends to submit the JIU's proposal, through the Committee, to the Governing Body for decision at its session in November 1998, so as to allow time for a careful study to be carried out of the procedural and financial implications of the proposal, and of the related legal obligations of the Organization, and to have appropriate consultations with other organizations that have accepted the JIU's Statute, and possibly also with the JIU itself.

6. Annex II to the annual report contains a list of JIU reports issued during the period under review. Comments on the following system-wide reports, listed in Annex II, were submitted to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee in November 1997: "Coordination of policy and programming frameworks for more effective development cooperation" (JIU/REP/96/3); and "Review of the financial resources allocated by the United Nations system to activities by non-governmental organizations" (JIU/REP/96/4).(3) 

7. Comments on the report entitled "Strengthening field representation of the United Nations system" (JIU/REP/97/1) are submitted to the Committee at the present session in a separate paper.(4) 

8. As in the past, comments on system-wide JIU reports will be submitted to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee or to the Committee on Technical Cooperation once the comments of the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) on the reports are received.

9. Copies of the annual report of the Joint Inspection Unit on its activities are available for consultation.

Geneva, 19 February 1998.

1. General Assembly, Official Records, Fifty-second Session Supplement No. 34(A/52/34).

2. Resolution 50/233 -- Joint Inspection Unit (A/RES/50/233), 7 June 1996.

3. GB.270/PFA/11.

4. GB.271/PFA/7/5.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.