ILO in Africa

  • International Women's Day

    When women rise, Africa rises!

    On the occasion of International Women's Day, Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa, ILO Regional Director for Africa, calls for everyone to not just celebrate progress in achieving gender equality, but to also ignite further action.

What's new

  1. Driving a sustainable and inclusive digital transformation for decent work

  2. ILO launches new project in Kenya targeting child labour in Kenya's tea and coffee sectors.

    11 April 2024

  3. Namibia launches a National Coordination Mechanism for decent work in the fisheries sector.

    11 April 2024

    A coordination body to oversee compliance and the general welfare of the fisheries sector in Namibia was launched recently in Namibia. It will operate as the ‘National Coordination Mechanism (NCM)’.

  4. Daycare facilities inaugurated to accommodate the needs of working mothers

    07 April 2024

    The daycare centers will create a conducive working environment with, safe, stimulating, and child-friendly facilities that accommodate the needs of working mothers with infant children and toddlers in the textile and garment factories.

  5. Refining the Determination of Minimum Wage Standards in Kenya

    03 April 2024

    The International Labour Organization (ILO) project All Hands in Kenya (AHK) collaborated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in Kenya, to develop a government economic position paper meant to guide the minimum wage during the upcoming Labour Day celebrations.


  1. A labour roadmap for Africa

    The Abidjan Declaration

    Conclusions of the 14th Africa Regional Meeting, 2019.