News and events


  1. Publication

    Technical cooperation activities to Combat Child Labour in Portuguese Speaking Countries in Africa, Brazil and Timor-Leste (CPLP): Public-Private Partnership

    06 October 2015

    In the framework of this programme, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) agreed with ILO Lisbon to fund technical cooperation activities to combat child labour in CPLP countries in 2010. Its contribution was used to cofinance other IPEC-related activities in those countries. The goal was to ensure greater coherence between national plans and social dialogue mechanisms to combat child labour and share good practices.

  2. Publication

    Latin American Network to Combat Child Labour: Public-Private Partnership

    06 October 2015

    This partnership between Fundación Telefónica and the ILO created a strategic regional alliance to more efficiently combat child labour in Latin America. It strengthens institutions and provides the required tools to disseminate good practices and knowledge. This collaboration between the ILO (through its International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour – IPEC), and Fundación Telefónica’s Proniño Programme is in its third phase.

  3. Partnerships

    ILO and Japan Tobacco International step up joint work to promote fundamental labour rights in the tobacco supply chain

    29 September 2015

    Under the partnership, the ILO will conduct research into forced labour, discrimination, freedom of association and collective bargaining, as well as occupational safety and health in farming communities in countries where JTI purchases tobacco.

  4. Partnering for development

    Garment worker’s rights and voice in Bangladesh given boost

    26 September 2015

    Sweden, Bangladesh and the ILO have committed to improve dialogue and protect rights in the ready-made garment sector.

  5. Publication

    Full report: Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work by the United Nations system organizations

    21 September 2015

    This evaluation report aims to provide information to the General Assembly/Economic and Social Council and to the legislative and governing bodies of the participating organizations and to the members of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) on how the United Nations system organizations have implemented the resolutions aimed at mainstreaming or supporting the decent work agenda with a view to using the lessons learned in the finalization of the post-2015 agenda. The purpose of the evaluation is not to review ILO activities to mainstream decent work, but rather the United Nations system’s response.

  6. Publication

    Summary report: Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work by the United Nations system organizations

    21 September 2015

    This report summarizes the background, methodology, findings, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations of the “Evaluation of mainstreaming of full and productive employment and decent work by the United Nations system organizations” conducted in 2014 by the Joint Inspection Unit.

  7. Publication

    Economically Empowering the HIV Vulnerable Population along Transport Corridors in Tanzania

    21 September 2015

    The ILO, together with the Savings and Credit Cooperative League of Tanzania (SCCULT), multiple private sector partners (such as savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOs), the Ministry of Labour and Employment of Tanzania, the Employers’ Association, and trade unions addressed this challenge. Since 2011 the ILO has managed an HIV and AIDS vulnerability reduction pro-gramme along Tanzania’s transport corri-dors of Chalinze, Ilula, Mafinga, Makambako, Tunduma and Kyela.

  8. Publication

    Voluntary HIV Counselling and Testing (VCT) at Work in Mozambique

    21 September 2015

    Since 2006 the International Labour Organization (ILO) has been supporting stakeholders in the world of work to better respond to HIV and AIDS in Mozambique. Actions encompass scaling up access to HIV prevention and care through the workplace, increasing the demand for VCT, taking into account the gender-specific needs of women and men, as well as economically empowering groups such as women, young people and people working in the informal economy that are particularly vulnerable to HIV.

  9. Publication

    HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment at Work in Indonesia

    21 September 2015

    As one of the biggest state-owned enterprises in Indonesia, with more than 14,000 workers and 25,000 subcontracted workers throughout Indonesia (of which 40 per cent are mobile male workers), Pertamina has shown a serious and consistent commitment to the prevention of HIV and AIDS at the workplace and to the fight against stigma and discrimination. Pertamina has developed workplace policies to ensure a non-discriminatory working environment for People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and has provided HIV information, counselling and testing for its workers in their sites across the country.

  10. Publication

    Preventing HIV in Ethiopia: The Mulu Worksites Project

    21 September 2015

    The MULU Worksites project is a USAID/PEPFAR-funded project managed by World Learning Ethiopia in partnership with FHI 360, Population Service International (PSI), and the International Labour Organization (ILO). The project seeks to implement gender-responsive workplace HIV combination prevention programmes that will strengthen the HIV response in large-scale workplaces employing over 500 persons. The construction, agriculture, leather, cement, mining and manufacturing sectors are a vital entry point for combination prevention, as they employ women and men engaged in high-risk behaviours such as commercial and transactional sex, and multiple concurrent partnerships.