ECOSOC Youth Forum

A Recovery Barometer to Boost Decent Jobs for Youth

The ILO, UN DESA and UNICEF’s anchored Generation Unlimited initiative and organized a side event on the margins of the ECOSOC Youth Forum to capture youth voices and thoughts on the youth recovery barometer during the ECOSOC Youth Forum.

News | 18 April 2022

The meeting consulted stakeholders in the global community about their reflections on a Youth Recovery Barometer that will measure career paths and labor market outcomes for youth.
The meeting first held an introduction and welcoming remarks, and later included a presentation on the Youth Recovery Barometer, discussion group breakout sessions, and a panel discussion on key takeaways. Eight discussion groups convened based on language preference for 30 minutes.
Youth representatives co-facilitated discussions with technical representatives from the ILO, UN DESA, Generation Unlimited, and UN Major Group for Children and Youth. Each discussion group recorded answers responding to three topics: reflections on the barometer and additional sources of data, experience with barometers, and working together. The side-event concluded with a panel discussion for groups to share their key points and messages.

Event outcome

The group reached a consensus on how datasets should reflect intersectionality in the labor market, specifically based on ethnicity, race, gender, location, wealth quintile, migration status, and belonging to indigenous communities.
There was a greater call to increase funding for youth programs and increase the efficiency of data collection on the local and national levels. The groups also agreed on the importance of continuing to consult youth leaders on the Youth Recovery Barometer and engaging them with relevant stakeholders in the private sector for employment creation.