India: Decent Work Country Programme for 2018-2022 in Hindi

This is a Hindi translation of DWCP 2018-22. This country strategy is led by the ILO and its tripartite constituents. It sets out ILO’s programme in India, which is aligned to national priorities and the UN 2030 agenda.

The Decent Work Country Programme has the overarching development objective of “creating a more decent future of work through better quality of jobs, transition to formal employment and environment sustainability” with the ultimate goal to support India’s march towards “Leave no one behind and Reach the furthest behind first” as is also articulated in the 2030 Agenda.

The ILO constituents have jointly identified three priorities and nine outcomes in this India Decent Work Country Programme. Each outcome, also known as the result area, demonstrates how ILO constituents, and other relevant partners, will contribute to specific development changes in the world of work.

It has been translated into Hindi for the use of larger audience and constituent members.