Give them back their childhood: Sensitization module for school children and youth on child labour

This module is written for adolescents in secondary school and in undergraduate college. It is meant to be used as a guide. It provides guidelines with regard to participatory child labour awareness training and outlines key concepts in raising awareness on the issue of child labour.

The manual provides teachers/instructors with facts, techniques, and strategies to effectively organize a sensitization workshop for adolescents and youth in schools and colleges. Divided into three parts, Section I provides factual information about child labour, including the legal safeguards that have been put in place both within India and internationally. Likewise, it informs the youth about causes of child labour and possible obstacles in eliminating child labour from society. Section II teaches ways of getting personally involved in a campaign against child labour. It provides strategies for effective involvement, such as collecting information on child labour and informing the neighbourhood about the scale of the problem. Section III is a quiz, which tests the students’ understanding of the issue.