News room

May 2004

  1. The Statе Duma recommends to ratify the ILO Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181.

    17 May 2004

  2. A meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for Oссupational Safety and Health

    14 May 2004

  3. Regional project “Development of Women Entrepreneurship and Employment in Azerbaijan and Georgia through Employers’ Associations” - seminar in Baku

    14 May 2004

April 2004

  1. Uzbekistan A Guide for Employers Published with the ILO Support

    30 April 2004

  2. Report “Household Income and Expenditure Statistics” in Russian

    16 April 2004

    Report II “Household Income and Expenditure Statistics” was presented at the Seventeenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (24 November – 3 December 2003).

  3. Social Dialogue and Employment

    02 April 2004

    Social dialogue and employment, the role of social dialogue on the labour market and in the development and review of employment policies, the experience of the EU countries in building up social dialogue, the Azerbaijan employment strategy – those were the issues discussed at a two-day seminar in Baku (1-2 April 2004). Among the participants were representatives of the Government, trade unions and employers’ associations, as well as the ILO experts from Geneva and the ILO Subregional Office.

  4. Social Dialogue and Employment

    01 April 2004

March 2004

  1. First stage of the UNDP Project “Programme for developing private entreprenship in Russian agriculture” has been accomplished

    30 March 2004

    With International Conference of March 30, 2004 in Moscow Agricultural Academy n.a. K.A.Timiryazev the first stage of the UNDP Project “Programme for developing private entreprenship in Russian agriculture” has been accomplished.

  2. The Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention comes into force in Russia

    25 March 2004

  3. Labour Force Survey in Azerbaijan

    24 March 2004

    During the period from 7 May to 6 June 2003 the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted a household-based survey of the economic activity of the population. The survey was carried out in the framework of the joint ILO/UNDP project entitled “Technical assistance for Azerbaijan in the field of labour statistics and regional development”. From an economic point of view the main purpose was to receive information on the size and structure of the economically active population in Azerbaijan.