Decision concerning the Standards Initiative: Implementing the workplan for strengthening the supervisory system - Progress report

Список решений | 5 Ноябрь 2018 г.

The Governing Body, based on the proposals set out in documents GB.334/INS/5 and GB.332/INS/5(Rev.) and the further guidance provided during the discussion and the tripartite consultations:

(1) Approved the following measures concerning the operation of the representations procedure under article 24 of the Constitution:

(a) arrangements to allow for optional voluntary conciliation or other measures at the national level, leading to a temporary suspension for a maximum period of six months of the examination of the merits of a representation by the ad hoc committee. The suspension would be subject to the agreement of the complainant as expressed in the complaint form, and the agreement of the government. These arrangements would be reviewed by the Governing Body after a two-year trial period;

(b) publication of an information document on the status of pending representations at the March and November sessions of the Governing Body;

(c) members of article 24 ad hoc tripartite committees need to receive all information and relevant documents from the Office 15 days in advance of their meetings and members of the Governing Body should receive the final report of article 24 ad hoc tripartite committees three days before they are called to adopt their conclusions;

(d) ratification of the Conventions concerned as a condition for membership of Governments in ad hoc committees unless no Government titular or deputy member of the Governing Body has ratified the Conventions concerned;

(e) maintaining existing measures and exploring other possible measures to be agreed upon by the Governing Body for the integrity of procedure and to protect ad hoc committee members from undue interference; and

(f) reinforced integration of follow-up measures in the recommendations of committees and a regularly updated document on the effect given to these recommendations for the information of the Governing Body, as well as continuing to explore modalities for follow-up action on the recommendations adopted by the Governing Body concerning representations.

(2) Approved the measures proposed on the streamlining of reporting on ratified Conventions concerning:

(a) thematic grouping for reporting purposes under a six-year cycle for the technical Conventions with the understanding that the Committee of Experts further reviews, clarifies and, where appropriate, broadens the criteria for breaking the reporting cycle with respect to technical Conventions; and

(b) a new report form for simplified reports (Appendix II of GB.334/INS/5).

(3) Decided to continue to explore concrete and practical measures to improve the use of article 19, paragraphs 5(e) and 6(d), of the Constitution, including with the purpose of enhancing the functions of General Surveys and improving the quality of their discussion and follow-up.

(4) Instructed the Committee on Freedom of Association to examine representations referred to it according to the procedures set out in the Standing Orders for the examination of article 24 representations, to ensure that representations referred to it be examined according to the modalities set out in the Standing Orders.

(5) Encouraged the Committee of Experts to pursue the examination of thematically related issues in consolidated comments; and invites it to make proposals on its possible contribution to optimizing the use made of article 19, paragraphs 5(e) and 6(d), of the Constitution, in particular by considering measures to improve the presentation of General Surveys, so as to ensure a user-friendly approach and format that maximizes their value for constituents.

(6) Invited the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards to consider, through the informal tripartite consultations on its working methods, measures to enhance its discussion of General Surveys.

(7) Requested the Office to present at its 335th Session (March 2019) following consultations with the tripartite constituents:

(a) concrete proposals to prepare the discussion on actions 1.2 (regular conversation between the supervisory bodies) and 2.3 (consideration of further steps to ensure legal certainty), including, but not limited to, organizing a tripartite exchange of views in the second semester of 2019 on Article 37(2) of the Constitution;

(b) a report on progress towards the development of a guide on established practices of the supervisory system, bearing in mind the guidance received on action 2.1 (consideration of the codification of the article 26 procedure);

(c) further detailed proposals on the use of article 19, paragraphs 5(e) and 6(d), of the Constitution, including in relation to the Annual Review under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;

(d) a report on progress towards the development of detailed proposals for electronic accessibility to the supervisory system for constituents (e-reporting, section 2.1 of GB.332/INS/5(Rev.)) bearing in mind the concerns raised by constituents during the discussion;

(e) more information on a pilot project for the establishment of baselines for the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187) (section of GB.332/INS/5(Rev.)); and

(f) a report on progress towards completing the Standards Initiative workplan as revised by the Governing Body in March 2017, including information on progress made with regard to the review and possible further improvements of their working methods by the supervisory bodies in order to strengthen tripartism, coherence, transparency and effectiveness.

(GB.334/INS/5, paragraph 21, as amended by the Governing Body.)