Peer Review of Youth Employment Policies in the Republic of Tajikistan. Synthesis Report

In the CIS, the peer reviews are conducted within the framework of the project “Partnerships for Youth Employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)” which was launched as a response to the global youth employment crisis. A voluntary peer review network focusing on youth employment policies was launched in 2014 with nine countries participating in the network. In order to offer practical guidance to countries that wish to conduct a voluntary peer review in the area of youth employment, a Toolkit on conducting voluntary peer reviews was developed by the ILO. For the first round of peer review, the Kyrgyz Republic volunteered to be reviewed by the Republic of Armenia in July 2014. During the second round, youth employment policies, programmes and institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan were assessed by the tripartite constituents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who examined the national report prepared by the host country’s Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment. A three-day on-site visit to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, was carried out in March 2015. The analysis of the national report was prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and then presented and discussed at the meeting of the youth employment regional network members in Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, in April 2015. This report belongs to a series of synthesis reports produced on the basis of findings of the peer review rounds between the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It summarizes the main findings and recommendations of the second round of peer reviews around integrated youth employment promotion concept, formalization of economy, strengthening legislation, improving the role of Public Employment Service and other aspects, and is based on all mentioned reports, the conclusions of the regional network meeting and external sources of data.