
The ILO Country Office for the Philippines (CO-Manila) publishes a wide range of books, reports, working papers, training manuals, CD-ROMs, videos and flash movies. Some of these can be downloaded directly. Others can be requested or purchased in hard copy from the ILO Knowledge Centre in Manila or by email.


  1. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, May 2020

    29 May 2020

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  2. An employers’ guide on working from home in response to the outbreak of COVID-19

    18 May 2020

    This guide has been developed by the International Labour Organization Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ILO-ACT/EMP) to assist EBMOs to provide practical guidance to member companies that have implemented “working from home” protocols for their staff in 2020 as an alternative temporary arrangement during the COVID-19 crisis.

  3. Safe return to work: Guide for employers on COVID-19 prevention

    07 May 2020

    This Guide has been developed by the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ILO-ACT/EMP) and contains recommendations for health and safety practices and approaches to COVID-19 prevention.The publication aims to provide general guidance and information to employers on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace, to enable workers to return to work safely while keeping the risk of contamination as low as possible. It also provides ideas on how to protect workers’ mental well-being during the pandemic.

  4. In the face of a pandemic: Ensuring Safety and Health at Work

    28 April 2020

  5. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, April 2020

    27 April 2020

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  6. A study on skills for trade and economic diversification (STED) in the non-traditional coconut export sectors of the Philippines

    22 April 2020

  7. Trade and value chains in employment-rich activities (TRAVERA): Study of selected non- traditional coconut products in the Philippines

    22 April 2020

  8. Managing Conflicts and Disasters: Exploring Collaboration between Employers’ and Workers’ Organizations

    09 April 2020

    This publication looks at the role that employers and workers, through their respective organizations, play in crisis situations arising from conflict and disaster.

  9. The six-step COVID-19 business continuity plan

    01 April 2020

    “This six-step COVID-19 business continuity plan has been developed by the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ILO-ACT/EMP). This tool is designed to support EBMOs assist its members during the COVID-19 crisis. It aims to establish the risk profile of an enterprise and the level of vulnerability to COVID-19 in terms of its impact on People, Processes, Profits and Partnerships (the “4Ps”) and develop an effective risk and contingency system for the business.

  10. COVID-19 Employers and business membership organizations (EBMOs) public statement template

    30 March 2020

    The public statement enables employers and business membership organizations (EBMOs) to put forward recommendations on COVID-19 to government, unions and other stakeholders.EBMOs should adapt the template to national circumstances and the challenges that EBMO members and enterprises are facing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  11. Enterprise survey tool: Assessing the needs of enterprises resulting from COVID-19

    30 March 2020

    This tool has been developed by the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ILO-ACT/EMP) to help employers and business membership organizations (EBMOs) evaluate the needs of enterprises as a result of COVID-19 crisis. It is composed of two parts: (1) a needs assessment survey, and (2) a template to present the key findings and request assistance to different institutions.

  12. An employer's guide on managing your workplace during COVID-19

    30 March 2020

    This Guide has been developed by the ILO Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ILO-ACT/EMP) as a general reference for employers and business membership organizations (EBMOs). The idea is to help employers manage their workplace during COVID-19: running the business, protecting workers, and answering some of the workplace relations and occupational safety and health (OSH) questions that are arising.It is based on resources, guides and directives published by the World Health Organization (WHO), governments, employers and EBMOs.

  13. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, March 2020

    26 March 2020

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  14. © dronepicr 2024

    COVID-19 and R205: what role for workers’ organizations?

    24 March 2020

    This note prepared by the ILO’s Bureau for Workers’Activities (ACTRAV) shows why the ILO Recommendation No 205 on Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience (R205) is an effective instrument for governments, employers and workers organizations to address the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  15. COVID-19: What can employers do?

    23 March 2020

    The ILO and its constituents – Governments, workers and employers – will play a crucial role in combating the outbreak, ensuring the safety of individuals and the sustainability of businesses and jobs.

  16. COVID-19: What can workers do?

    23 March 2020

    The ILO and its constituents – Governments, workers and employers – will play a crucial role in combating the outbreak, ensuring the safety of individuals and the sustainability of businesses and jobs.

  17. The Philippines and the Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188): a comparative analysis

    23 March 2020

    This analysis is provided to assist the Government of the Philippines in preparing to ratify the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188).

  18. Philippines: ILO Centenary

    11 March 2020

  19. ILO Country Office for the Philippines publications catalogue, February 2020

    28 February 2020

    CO-Manila's new library resource list.

  20. Social protection systems for all to prevent homelessness and facilitate access to adequate housing

    20 February 2020

    The role of social protection systems in reducing poverty and inequality, preventing homelessness, and facilitating access to adequate housing.