
The ILO Office in Nepal publishes a wide range of books, reports, working papers, training manuals relevant to Nepal. Some of these can be downloaded directly. Others can be requested in hard copy from the ILO Office in Nepal.


  1. Travel smart - Work smart: A guide for Nepali migrant workers in Qatar

    22 June 2015

    The guide provides information to low- and semi skilled migrant workers helping them to feel more secure, work safely and profitably, and avoid exploitation and abuse when working in Qatar.

  2. Travel smart - Work smart: A guide for Nepali migrant workers in Kuwait

    22 June 2015

    The guide for Nepali migrant workers in Kuwait provides information to low- and semi skilled migrant workers helping them to feel more secure, work safely and profitably, and avoid exploitation and abuse when working in Kuwait.

  3. Labour market trends analysis and labour migration from South Asia to Gulf Cooperation Council countries, India and Malaysia

    18 June 2015

    This report examines key labour market trends in six major destination countries for low-skilled migrant workers from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

  4. NO to child labour–YES to quality education! World Day Against Child Labour,12 June 2015

    12 June 2015

    The World Day Against Child Labour is an opportunity to raise the collective voice against child labour and CALL IN all children back to school, who have been missing out on education since the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal on April 25 2015.

  5. COOP news update

    29 May 2015

    This issue of the COOP News includes articles on various events, projects, trainings and meetings related to the work of the ILO's COOP Unit between June and October, 2015.

  6. Nepal Earthquake April 2015 Preliminary Employment Impact Assessment

    21 May 2015

    This note analyses the employment impact of the recent earthquakes in Nepal.

  7. Mid-Term Evaluation of Promoting the Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia through Actions on Labour Market Information, Protection during Recruitment and Employment, Skills and Development Impact (SALM)

    13 May 2015

    The purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to draw lessons from the implementation of the project with a view to assessing whether the project goals and objectives are still relevant. Based on this, the evaluation will assess to what extent the project is on track to reach its objectives and targets and provide recommendations for improvements. McGregor, Elaine, Maastricht University; Marchand, Katrin Maastricht University

  8. © AFP/P. Lopez 2024

    The ILO Response to the Nepal Earthquake

    07 May 2015

    Following the worst earthquake in Nepal over the last 80 years, there is an urgent demand for assistance to poor households to help them rebuild their lives. This includes support to rebuilding infrastructure as well as securing poor households with income – through employment opportunities created by reconstruction efforts. The ILO has been asked by the Government of Nepal to contribute to such efforts.

  9. Mid-Term Evaluation Summary of Promoting the Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia through Actions on Labour Market Information, Protection during Recruitment and Employment, Skills and Development Impact (SALM)

    29 April 2015

    The report presents the results of the independent mid-term evaluation of the Promoting the Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia through Actions on Labour Market Information, Protection during Recruitment and Employment, Skills, and Development Impact (SALM) project (RAS/12/07/EEC). Evaluation Consultants: McGregor, Elaine, Maastricht University; Marchand, Katrin, Maastricht University

  10. A health approach to child labour - A synthesis report of four country studies from the brick industry

    15 April 2015

    In presenting this synthesis report, A Health Approach to Child Labour: Example from the brick industry, and its accompanying four country studies, ILO hopes to stimulate further work on this important area and a further refinement of the research methods it incorporates.

  11. Measuring children’s work in South Asia: Perspectives from national household surveys

    09 April 2015

    The report provides an overview and insight into the nature and extent of child labour and children’s employment and educational marginalization in the South Asian countries and region.

  12. South Asia Children in labour and employment

    25 February 2015

  13. Measuring children’s work in South Asia: Perspectives from national household surveys - Fact sheet

    25 February 2015

    Provides an overview of the joint ILO-UCW South Asia report on child labour and children in employment

  14. Realizing a Fair Migration Agenda: Labour flows between Asia and Arab States - Summary Report

    01 January 2015

    In December 2014, the two-day experts meeting on Realizing a Fair Migration Agenda: Labour Flows between Asia and Arab States was held in Kathmandu, Nepal. The purpose of the meeting was for leading experts to identify and discuss key issues and a way forward to realize a fair migration agenda in the Asia-Gulf Cooperation Council regions.

  15. Realizing a Fair Migration Agenda: Labour flows between Asia and Arab States - Background Paper

    01 January 2015

    This background paper serves to deepen understanding on the key challenges and opportunities for realizing a fair migration agenda between Asia and the GCC States. The background paper informed the deliberations of the Kathmandu Experts Meeting in December 2014, which brought together labour migration specialists and tripartite stakeholders from Arab and Asia nations, and will inform an upcoming inter-regional Ministerial Meeting on Fair Migration planned for the last quarter of 2015.


  1. Towards Achieving the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour as Priority (Project fact sheet)

    29 December 2014

    The Project contributes to the elimination of child labour in Nepal, with a priority on its worst forms.

  2. Labour laws, the business environment and the growth of micro and small enterprises in South Asia

    15 December 2014

    This report provides empirical evidence on the influence labour related laws and regulations have on enterprise growth and the promotion of decent and productive employment.

  3. ILO-DFID Partnership Programme on Fair Recruitment and Decent Work for Women Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East “Work in Freedom” (Project fact sheet)

    02 December 2014

    The Programme aims to prevent trafficking of women and girls from Bangladesh, India and Nepal as migrant workers in major destination countries for migrant workers (India, Jordan, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates). It will empower women and girls economically and socially, ensuring decent work conditions and better wages at both origin and destination countries.

  4. Occupational Safety and Health Development in Nepal (SHIELD) (Project fact sheet)

    02 December 2014

    The project aims to initiate a comprehensive plan for promoting occupational safety and health services and reforming labour inspection system in Nepal.

  5. ILO Nepal Decent Work Newsletter Bi-annual, issue-2, November 2014

    28 November 2014

    It offers a glimpse of what we do to promote Decent Work, meaning contributing to a labour market environment without child labour or forced labour, in which men and women have equal opportunities and appropriate representation and protection, enterprises can increase their productivity and competitiveness, and workers have access to improved working conditions, employment stability, and salaries that allow them to feed their families and educate their children. The present edition is focused on issues of child labour, informal economy, Labour Act, labour migration, occupational safety and health, public-private partnership and rural infrastructure.