Report on the implementation of SCREAM activities - under the RENGO supported project: mobilisation and capacity-building of teachers trade union in Indonesia

In order to contribute to the elimination of child labour, ILO-IPEC in partnership with Teachers’ Association of Indonesia Republic (PGRI) have implemented a project on “Mobilization and capacity-building of teacher’s association and wider trade unions in Indonesia in Eliminating Child Labour”. The activities conducted were, among others, SCREAM related activities.

The activities related to SCREAM implementation were:
• A three-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on SCREAM for trade union members in West Java, Central Java, and East Java
• Three batches of three-day training on SCREAM for PGRI offi cial at local level, teachers (who are members of PGRI) and trade unionist in West Java, Central Java, and East Java
• Implementation of SCREAM activities at the school level based on the enriched action plans developed as a result of SCREAM Local Workshops.