Supporting Implementation of the “Single Window Service” of the Provincial Social Protection Strategy of East Java and Maluku Province

The Project aims to contribute to national efforts to extend social protection, working at the local level to create a Single Window Service (SWS) for service delivery that links existing social protection and employment assistance programmes.

Project background

The Social Protection Floor (SPF) is a set of nationally-defined basic social security guarantees that should be extended to the entire population. The Indonesian government is seeking to extend social security coverage in order to establish a SPF for all. The right to universal social security is reflected in the Indonesian Constitution, the National Social Security Law (Law No. 40/2004) and the recent law on social security providers (Law No. 24/2011). Indonesia’s commitment to social protection is also reflected in the tripartite Indonesian Jobs Pact 2011-2014 that was signed on 13 April 2011.

While some social protections are secured in Indonesia via existing social assistance programmes that give the poor and vulnerable access to essential goods and services, delivery of such programmes has not been effectively or efficiently managed to date. Under Indonesia’s decentralized system of government, better coordination between central and local government stakeholders is essential to successfully manage social protection interventions. Integrated delivery of a range of social security and linked training/employment services would provide opportunities for beneficiaries to not only receive services, but also to find decent jobs, thus enabling them to contribute to social security and society at large. The SWS is a mechanism that can improve coordination, monitoring, and delivery of integrated social protection and labour market interventions.

The proposed project will contribute to efforts to set minimum levels of social protection in East Java and Maluku Province and is in line with the Indonesian government’s obligations under Recommendation No. 202 on National Social Protection Floors, which instructs countries to establish and maintain national SPF schemes.

Project objectives

  1. Implement a “Single Window Service” (SWS) mechanism for social and employment service delivery, to facilitate increased outreach of existing services;
  2. Facilitate coordination of relevant stakeholders at all levels (national, provincial and sub-provincial);
  3. Develop an integrated information management system (MIS) to record SWS implementation in two sub-provinces (Kabupaten) in East Java (data collected will inform implementation of a similar initiative in Maluku); and
  4. Support the monitoring and evaluation of the existing intervention that links social protection and employment creation programmes.

Project strategy

The SWS project will be implemented at the local level by assigned case managers. Case managers will register beneficiaries, assess their needs and develop personalized plans for access to skills development, job placement and enterprise creation services. In tandem, case managers will provide information about available social services and benefits. A grievance reporting mechanism will be established to improve the quality of social services.

The project will use a participatory approach to build ownership and sustainability. A series of workshops and consultative meetings will be held with relevant tripartite stakeholders, NGOs and community based organizations to develop a SWS work plan and finalize design of the service, proposed activities, and project evaluation.

The project will work closely with the provincial governments of East Java and Maluku, particularly the Regional Planning Agency (Bappeda) and local administration offices.

Good practices and lessons learnt from implementation of the SWS will be documented to contribute to future initiatives seeking to extend social security in pursuit of universal coverage and a SPF. Based on the results of the project, the SWS service may be implemented in other provinces in Indonesia.

Formulated project outputs

To achieve the stated output indicators of improved access of local communities to social protection and employment services, the following activities are expected to be undertaken:
  • Support establishment of a SWS in East Java and Maluku Province;
  • Support development of a Management Information System (MIS);
  • Support development of methodology and research tools for implementation of SWS;
  • Support infrastructure and capacity building under the SWS; and
  • Monitoring and evaluation activities.

Key partners

  • Ministry  of National Development Planning (Bappenas)
  • Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration
  • Provincial Planning Agency (Bappeda) in East Java and Maluku Province
  • Provincial Manpower Offices
  • Employers' Organizations
  • Trade Unions