Workshop on Validation of Final Draft: National Occupational Safety and Health Programme 2020 – 2024

The Workshop is a key collaboration activity between ILO Jakarta and the Ministry of Manpower. In the workshop, based on previous meetings, the MOM staff will present final draft of the National OSH Programmes 2020 – 2024.


The objectives of the workshop are as follows:
  1. Strengthen national dialogue on OSH in support of stronger workplace prevention culture;
  2. Significantly contribute to achievement of OSH programme objectives in Indonesia;
  3. Clarify roles, responsibilities, objectives and tracking methodology for achieving the objectives of the OSH National Programmes.


International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates, every year around 2.78 million workers lose their lives in occupational-related diseases and accidents in the world with 2.4 million due to work-related diseases. There are also 374 million non-fatal work-related injuries and illnesses each year, many of which lead to extended absences from work. In addition to this human and social tragedy, the economic losses due to poor working conditions and related accidents and diseases are estimated to amount to more than 4% of the world’s Gross National Product.

Young workers are highly vulnerable, and suffer a significantly higher rate of non-fatal occupational injuries than older workers. Many factors contribute to this, including their physical and psychological stage of development; a lack of job skills, work experience and training; inadequate supervision and assignment to inappropriate tasks; limited knowledge of occupational safety and health (OSH) hazards and risk management; a lack of understanding on how to exercise their rights to a safe workplace; and, limited bargaining power. These factors can lead young workers to accept dangerous tasks or jobs with poor working conditions.

Indonesia and OSH

Indonesia has a long history on OSH, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through its Ministry of Manpower, along with the social partners (employers’ associations and trade unions) and other key OSH stakeholders are committed to improving and implementing safety culture. The legal and regulatory framework on OSH in Indonesia has been in place for many years, starting with Law No. 1 of 1970 on Safety, as well as more recent regulations. Various government and private agencies, along with community-based institutions have played important roles in implementing elements of OSH programmes.

One important commitment is to ratify eight ILO Conventions related to employment and OSH. The Indonesian government has ratified the ILO Convention No. 187 concerning Promotional Framework on Occupational Safety and Health through Presidential Regulation No. 34 of 2014, and Maritime Labour Convention 2006 through Law no. 15 of 2016. The Government Regulation No. 50 of 2012 on the Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) is part of this framework as it strengthens capacity to meet global market demands, and the rights of workers.

Other regulations and policies have encouraged public and private agencies to implement OSH programs in their workplaces. Various OSH professional associations and services firms have been established which implement a variety of OSH programmes in the workplace (e.g. training, consulting, auditing, examination and testing of OSH techniques, work environment assessment, labour inspection and occupational health).

The first challenge on OSH in Indonesia is to decrease the number of occupational accidents, as it is mentioned in the National OSH Profile 2018.

The Need of Assistance for Finalization of National OSH Programme

Beyond the Profile (that was launched in June 2019), the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Manpower and the social partners have developed National OSH Programmes 2020 – 2024. The National OSH Programmes will become a reference point for driving sustainable OSH development in the next five years.

MOM and ILO have worked together in holding meetings for the preparation of the National OSH Programme. Major meetings involving tripartite organizations were held in January, July and August 2019. Beginning in November 2019, MOM has also held meetings for the preparation of the final draft. The meetings discussed national programs and strategies, including the formulation of the Presidential Decree draft.

MOM is currently submitting a proposal for a November 2019 meeting to revise the final draft based on suggestions and recommendations came out from the last meeting in the beginning of November 2019. Validation from public, especially tripartite organizations is needed since it will be owned and implemented by public. The suggestions and recommendations will be incorporated and validated at the meeting through the Workshop on Validation of Final Draft National Occupational Safety and Health Program 2020-2024.

The Ministry of Manpower aims to get approval from President of the Republic of Indonesia, so that the Indonesia OSH Programmes 2020-2024 will be signed through Presidential Regulation. It is hoped that the regulation will be issued in the beginning 2019. Through this activity, the ILO Jakarta will provide assistance to implementation of the above mentioned workshop.

Approach and Participants

The Workshop is a key collaboration activity between ILO Jakarta and the Ministry of Manpower. In the workshop, based on previous meetings, the MOM staff will present final draft of the National OSH Programmes 2020 – 2024. After presenting, the MOM will invite participants to provide questions, comments or recommendations. Additional inputs or data will enrich the content of the draft and the sustainability of the Programme Objectives. In the end, participants will be requested to validate content of the National OSH Programmes 2020 - 2024.

The workshop will invite 100 representatives of all OSH stakeholders: line ministries, unions, employers, professionals, universities, media and youth.

ILO will engage two persons to facilitate the workshop.

The participants of the Workshop are following representatives of: line ministries; National OSH Council; Indonesia Employers Association; trade unions; professionals; universities; media; youth; and ILO Jakarta.