Decent work for people of Timor-Leste

Tripartite Meeting on Strategic Planning for the Implementation of Decent Work Country Programme DWCP for Timor-Leste 2016-2020

Effective social dialogue between the Government institutions, the employers and workers’ organizations is recognized as the most effective means in achieving Decent Work goals. Therefore, the launch of DWCP will be followed by a tripartite meeting to re-engage tripartite commitment and encourage social dialogue toward the realization of Timor-Leste DWCP 2016-2020.


The Decent Work Country Programme for Timor-Leste is developed jointly by the government, employers’ and workers’ organization of Timor-Leste. The priority and outcomes expressed in the second DWCP is the results of consultations and direct inputs of the Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment Policies (SEPFOPE), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Timor-Leste (CCI-TL) and the Timor-Leste Trade Union Confederation (KSTL).

Continuing the progress made under the first DWCP that ended in 2013, the second DWCP for the period of 2016-2020 will serve as a framework to support Government of Timor-Leste to achieve its national strategic development plan (SDP) 2011-2030.

Agreed priorities and outcomes for the Decent Work Country Programme in Timor-Leste 2016-2020 are as follows:
  1. Employment Promotion and Social Protection
  2. Rural Socio-economic Development
  3. Good Labour Market Governance Institutions
Promotion of gender equality, tripartism, social dialogue and institutional capacity building are mainstreamed throughout the DWCP priorities. Participation of the tripartite constituents through social dialogue will be encouraged at all stages of implementation of the programmes and projects embedded in the DWCP.


The objective of the meeting is to formula a strategic planning for the implementation of the Decent Work Country Programme.

Effective social dialogue between the Government institutions, the employers and workers’ organizations is recognized as the most effective means in achieving Decent Work goals. Therefore, the launch of DWCP will be followed by a tripartite meeting to re-engage tripartite commitment and encourage social dialogue toward the realization of Timor-Leste DWCP 2016-2020.

The Meeting will cover the following:
  • Social Dialogue toward the realization of Timor-Leste DWCP 2016-2020
  • Best Practices of the implementation of DWCP in other countries
  • Establishment of DWCP Steering Committees (identifying role and function)
  • DWCP Implementation Plan 2016-2017

Resource Person

The workshop will be facilitated by Deputy Director of ILO Indonesia and Timor-Leste, supported by Regional Programme Services and Workers’ specialist from ILO Regional Office in Bangkok. The workshop is expected to come out with conclusions and recommendations to make social dialogue work.