Powerpoint presentations by name of the presenters

Presentation | 24 February 2015

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Albert Y. Bonasahat, ILO Project Officer for Migrant Workers

Better protection for Indonesian migrant workers

Anang Noegroho, Executive Director of Ministry for Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Green Job: Potensi Lapangan Kerja Kawasan Konservasi Perairan

Asep Samsul Mustopa, Organic farming entrepreneur in Bandung

Selamat Datang Di Pusat Inkubator Bisnis Pertanian (Agriculture Incubation Business Centre)

Bambang Purwoko, National Social Security Council (DJSN)

Problem and challenges in the implementation of Indonesia’s upcoming public pension scheme based on the Law No 40 of 2004 on National Social Security System

Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir, Economist at The World Bank (represented by Taufik Indrakesuma)

Inequality in Indonesia: trends, drivers, policies

Chris Manning, Adjunct Professor of Australian National University

Some reflections on historical and international dimensions of labour market and inequality in Indonesia

Eduard Marpaung, General Secretary of KSBSI

Kondisi perburuhan dan pasar kerja

Erna Novianti, Director of Employment Creation and Informal Economy Development of the Ministry of Manpower

Padat Karya Terkait Respon Kebijakan Dalam Mendukung Hasil Pertumbuhan Inklusi Daerah Pedesaan

Estiarty Haryani, Director of Productivity and Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Manpower

Produktivitas: kebijakan dan program

Gatot Hermawan, Head of District Department of Manpower in Wonosobo

Pengembangan Ekonomi Produktif Perdesaan Melalui Sinergi Kegiatan IP3LRB, (Infrastruktur Perdesaan Padat Pekerja Local Resources Based), Pengembangan Padat Karya Produktif & Terapan Teknologi Tepat Guna di Desa Slukatan Kec. Mojotengah Kab. Wonosobo

Harijanto, Deputy Chairman of Employment, DPN APINDO

Bagaimana APINDO melihat regulasi dunia usaha dan implementasinya di Indonesia

Hiroshi Yamabana, ILO Social security specialist

Pension policy and financial assessment of a new defined/benefit pension scheme

Ihsan Basir, Head of Skills Training and Employment Placement, Provincial Department of Manpower in Central Sulawesi

Keselarasan dan sinergi program padat karya terkait dengan respon kebijakan dalam mendukung hasil pertumbuhan inklusif dari daerah pedesaan di Sulawesi Tengah

Jun Kuncoro, Deputy of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and Legal Entities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign policy and international cooperation on the protection of Indonesian migrant workers

Laura Brewer, ILO Skills specialist

Enhancing the employability of individuals and the productivity of enterprises: the importance of core work skills

Lurraine Villacorta, ILO Environment and Decent Work Specialist

Green Economy and Green Jobs for Sustainable Development

Malte Luebker, ILO Regional wages specialist

Sharing the gains from growth: the role of wage policies and challenges for Indonesia

Masrun Hasan Basri, Head of District Department of Manpower in Central Lombok

Kisah sukses pelibatan pemuka agama sebagai pemimpin dalam program padat karya, TTG, TKM di Kab. Lombok Tengah

Muhammad Rusdi, General Secretary of KSPI

Pertumbuhan ekonomi vs pemerataan kesejahteraan buruh dan rakyat

Ninasapti Triaswati, Committee of National Economy of Indonesia

Social protection of workers in Indonesia: opportunities and challenges

Payaman Simanjuntak, Vice Head of National Productivity Council

Strategi peningkatan produktivitas dan daya saing Indonesia

Rahma Iryanti, Deputy Minister for Poverty, Labour and SMEs of the Ministry of State for National Development Planning / National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS)

Indonesia employment policies: problems and challenges

Razali Ritonga, Director of Population and Employment Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of Indonesia (BPS)

Kebutuhan data ketenagakerjaan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan

Roman Pirard, Senior Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Reflections on labour in tree plantations and rural development

Roostiawati, Head of Center for Administration of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Manpower

Kebijakan ketenagakerjaan dalam mendukung pembangunan nasional tahun 2015-2019

Shinta Wijaya Kamdani, Deputy Chairman of International Relations of DPN APINDO

Sustainable development through green economy and green jobs

Soeprayitno, DPP APINDO DKI Jakarta

Mencari formula upah yang adil dan berdaya saing

Sukti Dasgupta, ILO Senior Economist

Moving towards more and better jobs in Indonesia

Sulistri, Secretary General of KSBSI

Masukan SP/SB terhadap pekerjaan layak bagi buruh migran Indonesia

Syamsul Arifin, National Center for Employment Creation and Expansion (BBPPK), Lembang

Model perluasan kesempatan kerja melalui proses inkubasi bisnis

Syukur Sarto, Chairman of KSPSI

Kendala dan tantangan penciptaan lapangan kerja dan hak pekerja 

Verania Andria, Program Manager for Sustainable Energy Environment Unit at UNDP

Indonesia Green Economy Model to Simulate Impact to Green Jobs: Central Kalimantan Case Study

Wahyu Widodo, Director of Labour Social Security and Wages of the Ministry of Manpower (represented by Djoenaedi)

Program Jaminan Pensiun Di Masa Datang dan Implikasinya bagi Pasar Kerja di Indonesia

Zulfan Tadjoeddin, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies of University of Western Sydney

Wage, productivity and inequality