Training of Trainers on HIV/AIDS and Migrant Workers for Pre-Departure Orientation Instructors

Due to the lack of HIV/AIDS education for migrant workers, the ILO is organized this training to build the capacity of the pre-departure instructors as an effort to provide adequate information to migrant workers through all migration cycle from community level to destination country.


HIV/AIDS case in Indonesia is growing fast. The Ministry of Health reported the cumulative AIDS case up to Dec 2010 is 24.131 cases. Even though there is no comprehensive reported data available on HIV and AIDS cases among migrant workers, HIV and AIDS cases are increasing. As reported by Caring for Migrant Workers, 50 cases of AIDS cases from deported migrant workers have been handled in 2010.

Migration its self is not a risk factor to HIV, the unsafe conditions under which people migrate and work tend to make migrants vulnerable or put them at risk. Separated from families, communities and social support systems, migrants and mobile populations are more likely to be exploited and victimized, or engage in risk behavior that can result in HIV infection. Unsafe migration which caused by lack of protection afforded to migrant workers during the course of the migratory cycle, as a consequence, migrant workers are often subjected to multiple violations that occur in the context of the recruitment procedures, precarious employment abroad as well as upon return to their countries of origin. Exploitation, discrimination and abuse, combined with low awareness of HIV/AIDS among migrant workers put migrant workers under increased risk of becoming infected.

Indonesia Government actually has provided the HIV/AIDS information in the pre-departure training for migrant workers. Unfortunately HIV/AIDS education for migrant workers is still lacking. It is caused by several reasons such as: limited information provided to migrant workers through all migration cycle from community level to destination country, limited time in pre-departure orientation, and limited number of trainer who are well informed about both issue HIV/AIDS and migration in the same time, especially from NGOs both at national and provincial level.

Based on the observation to several NGOs of HIV/AIDS and migrant workers, there are tendency that the pre-departure trainers who deliver Pre-Departure Orientation Training on section D: reproductive health, narcotic and HIV are not well informed about migration issue. There are still lot of biases on delivering the HIV knowledge. It is also confirmed by BNP2TKI that the training in improving the HIV and AIDS knowledge is still limited.

Based on the situation above it is important to improve the knowledge HIV and facilitation skill of pre-departure trainers. It is important to have a pool of master trainers who can deliver the training of trainer to other are well informed both of HIV/AIDS and migrant workers issues. Concerning the number of Pre-departure Orientation Trainer which is mostly in Jakarta, the Training of Trainer will be conducted in Jakarta. Regarding to the continuation of HIV/AIDS and migration to the other provinces, it is important to have selected trainers in Jakarta at national to become a main trainer for conducting HIV/AIDS and migration training in Jakarta as well as in provinces.


  • To improve the awareness and knowledge on HIV/AIDS vulnerabilities in migration cycles for migrant workers; and
  • To improve the training skill in providing the proper HIV/AIDS knowledge with adult learning process and participatory methods.


  • 25 pre-departure instructors trained
  • The knowledge on HIV and Migration improved