Women in STEM

Closing the gender gap: Promoting greater involvement of women in STEM-related skills

Advances in technology including automation and robotics will bring significant changes to employment in Indonesia in the next two decades. The changes will also bring a greater impact to woman workers who are employed predominantly in jobs requiring low science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills.

News | Jakarta, Indonesia | 25 October 2018
Women participation at the STEM related training is still low
The ILO estimates that 56 percent of employment (about 60 million jobs) face a risk of automation in Indonesia. However, females are employed predominantly in jobs requiring low science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills and are 1.2 times more likely to be employed in an occupation at high risk of automation across all industries.

To promote greater participation of female youth in STEM-related skills, the ILO in collaboration with the Public Vocational Training Centre of Bekasi (BBPLK Bekasi) conducted a two-day gender awareness workshop from 18-19 October 2018, aimed to raise the awareness of management and instructors of BBPLK Bekasi regarding women in STEM in particular and women in the workplace in general; and to create a female-friendly public training centres.

We greatly appreciate the support given by the ILO through this workshop. We hope to increase the participation of women as it is in line with our vision to improve skills of Indonesian workers."

Memey Meirita Handayani, Head of Administration of BBPLK Bekasi
BBPLK Bekasi is the public vocational training centre focusing on information and communication technology (ICT) and electronic skills. On the ICT, for example, BBPLK Bekasi offers 12 training courses on, among others, graphic designs, IT software solution for business and mobile programming as well as web development.

Although all of the training programmes are opened for both women and men, only few female youth have registered in STEM-related skills. “We greatly appreciate the support given by the ILO through this workshop. We hope to increase the participation of women as it is in line with our vision to improve skills of Indonesian workers,” said Memey Meirita Handayani, Head of Administration of BBPLK Bekasi.

Participants of the gender training
During the training workshop, the participating management and instructors of BBPLK Bekasi learned about the differences between sex and gender; identified and exercised critical analysis on discriminatory practices; and learned to utilize Gender Analysis Pathway tool. at the work place;. They also examined the ILO Conventions related to gender such as the ILO Convention No. 100 on Equal Numeration, No. 111 on Discrimination in respect of Employment and Occupation and No. 156 on Workers with Family Responsibility.

More women will be trained in STEM

The training workshop concluded with a strategy development, aimed to create a more enabling environment for female youth to enrol, participate and graduate from the training centre and enter the world of work. The strategy covered issues related to gender-based biases in recruitment, strengthening enrolment platforms that are more connected to communities, adjusting the curriculum to better support students, especially female students in their school-to-work transition, and strengthening the connection with private sector for better employment opportunities.

It is hoped that this programme will be able to promote greater involvement of women in STEM-related fields as well as to increase the participation of women labour force in STEM-related sectors."

Hirania Wiryasti, the Project Coordinator of ILO’s Women in STEM Workforce Readiness & Development Programme
The training workshop was also part of the initial activity between the ILO and BPPLK Bekasi. “After this training workshop, the ILO is going to expand its collaboration with BBPLK Bekasi by organizing a joint ICT skills training for more than 400 pre-employed female youth between aged of 15 to 29 years old,” explained Hirania Wiryasti, the Project Coordinator of ILO’s Women in STEM Workforce Readiness & Development Programme.

This joint programme, added Hirania, would provide demand training courses, support to job placement and technical advices on gender neutrality in training. The programme would target vocational schools, community centres, youth organizations as well as communities. “It is hoped that this programme will be able to promote greater involvement of women in STEM-related fields as well as to increase the participation of women labour force in STEM-related sectors,” Hirania stated.

Future, potential collaborations for women in STEM

The training workshop was conducted by the ILO through its Women in STEM Workforce Readiness & Development Programme aims to empower, connect and support career development of women and is funded by J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation. Representatives of J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation visited BBPLK Bekasi after the training workshop on 23 October.

During the visit, they conducted a meeting with the management of BBPLK Bekasi and visited some ICT training courses and classes. In addition to the training programmes and activities of BBPLK Bekasi, the meeting also discussed potential collaborations that could be conducted to improve the quality of the training programmes, particularly in bridging and preparing pre-employed youth to the world of work,capacities of the instructors, and capacities of BBPLK Bekasi in facing Industry 4.0.

The discussion was in line with the main programme strategies of the ILO’s Women in STEM Workforce Readiness & Development Programme: skills gap identification, skills upgrading, job placement and in-company developing and mentoring. This regional programme covers three countries: Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand.