Decent Work for Migrant Workers: A manual for Pakistani trade unionists

To help Pakistan’s trade unions better respond to labour migration needs, this training manual provides guidance for trade unions to play their role on shaping migration policies, promoting sound labour migration practices and reaching out to migrant workers. This manual is meant to ultimately maximize the benefits of migration for all involved parties: the countries of origin of migrant workers, the countries of destination and – especially – migrant workers and their families.

Migrant workers and their families account for 90 percent of total international migrants. Often, workers leave their country in search of better work opportunities only to face difficult working and living conditions in their new host country. This training manual, developed for trade unions in Pakistan, focuses on strengthening trade unions' capacity to participate in the shaping of migration policies, promote sound labour migration practices and reach out to migrant workers. The manual provides a comprehensive overview of the conditions faced by migrant workers across the globe and how trade unions can play a greater role in improving those conditions.

The manual is an adaptation of the ILO’s In Search of Decent Work – Migrant Workers' Rights: A Manual for Trade Unionists, which was developed by the Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV) in 2006. This current iteration closely follows the 2006 edition, with adaptation specifically for trade unions in Pakistan. The adaptation of the manual was done by ILO’s EU funded South Asia Labour Migration Governance Project.