Strengthening Industry- Institute Linkages (IIL) for TEVT Institutes: Report on Review of IMCs for Selected TEVT Institutes in Sindh

This report presents the results of study while highlighting some of the key issues, and lays out some suggestions to achieve the national skills strategy, which are necessary to ensure the strengthening of industry-institute linkages. A conceptualized working model is being proposed as per the finalized Rules of Business to help IMCs address identified issues and to support the formulation of institutional development/action plans by the IMCs.

Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) plays an equally important role in the social, economic and political development of any nation together with its academic counterpart. Education is regarded as the key to development, however, globally TEVT is seen as 'the master key' because it has the ability to open the 'doors' of life-long learning and improve vocational expertise and consequently the quality of living for thousands of people. The research initiative was undertaken to help in empowering the Institute Management Committees (IMCs) at the various TEVT institutes across the province of Sindh in Pakistan (under Sindh TEVTA) such that they could support TEVT becoming an important component of the learning system providing relevant knowledge, skills and competencies for employability of learning communities. The study clearly indicates that the situation demands increasingly genuine engagements and interactions between industry stakeholders and Institutes