Resources on commercial sexual exploitation of children


  1. Commercial and sexual exploitation and child trafficking: capacity building for direct assistance (TECL Paper 36)

    01 July 2006

    This paper deals specifically with non-governmental organisations or community-based organisations. To a considerable extent, at least here in Gauteng, the Government’s Child Labour Programme of Action relies heavily on such organisations to provide services in addressing child prostitution, and it hopes, in addition, through the organisations, to gather more information in the under-researched area of child trafficking.

  2. Commercial sexual exploitation of children and child trafficking: A South African national situation analysis (TECL Paper 16)

    01 May 2006

    This report deals with the first two focus areas, CSEC and child trafficking. TECL emphasises prevention and educational rehabilitation as primary strategies for addressing CSEC and child trafficking in South Africa.

  3. The Mekong Challenge - Cambodia's "Beer Promotion Girls", their recruitment, working conditions and vulnerabilities

    13 March 2006

    This survey is part of a series of studies into recruitment practices and working conditions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) of children and young women in sectors vulnerable to human trafficking, and the associated and inherent sexual and labour exploitation.

  4. The commercial sexual exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Belize

    01 January 2006

    This study on the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is intended as one of the many efforts aimed at the continued strengthening of the child protection responses. It helps us to better understand the manifestations of CSEC in Belize, both in its old forms and its emerging ones, and it also helps us to see it through the new lens of being one of the worst forms of child labour being experienced by children globally.

  5. Our role as migration officers faced with trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents

    01 January 2006

    In this leaflet we will inform you as to certain indicators of possible trafficking situations and what to do if they are detected.

  6. Trafficking of children and adolescents for commercial sexual exploitation purposes

    01 January 2006

    One of the most common reasons for trafficking boys, girls and adolescents is to use them in commercial sexual exploitation.

  7. Commercial sexual exploitation of children in Swaziland (TECL Paper 45)

    01 January 2006

    The study sought to: describe respondents involved in commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) according to selected demographic characteristics; identify the nature, scope, causes and consequences of CSEC in Swaziland; and identify interventions for prevention of CSEC, and for withdrawal, protection and rehabilitation of victims.


  1. Educational aspects of the TECL pilot projects on commercial sexual exploitation of children and child trafficking, CUBAC and water hauling (TECL Paper 3)

    01 December 2005

    The TECL project runs various pilot projects addressing certain worst forms of child labour and other priority forms of child work. The term “pilot projects” is used in this regard since this is what the South African Child Labour Programme of Action uses, and it is these pilot projects that TECL has to implement in terms of its project document.

  2. Commercial sexual exploitation: Proposals for providing comprehensive assistance to child victims

    01 December 2005

    This document looks at the issue of providing assistance to the victims of commercial sexual exploitation and makes a series of proposals to guide the specific response to determined groups of children to facilitate the implementation of actions in the sphere of family intervention. All the proposals are based on the same principle: the identification of tools that will help ensure the comprehensive protection of the human rights of child victims.

  3. Prevention and withdrawal in the Triple Border Area (Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay) (CSEC Good Practices)

    01 December 2005

    Examines good practices, lessons learned and methodologies to prevent the recruitment of girls, boys and adolescents for CSEC as well as results and challenges focussed on the local context in which the different programmes were carried out in 2001-2005.This document is part of the CD-ROM "Collection of good practices and lessons learned related to the prevention and elimination of commercial sexual exploitation". (CD-ROM is available in this data base.)