MAP expert meeting decent work indicators - Concept Note

The project Monitoring and Assessing Progress on Decent Work (MAP) (2009–2013), funded by the European Union, works with government agencies and employers’ and workers’ organizations to strengthen their capacity to monitor and assess progress towards decent work in their own countries. To date, the MAP project has supported nine countries in collecting data and identifying and compiling decent work indicators. The compiled indicators form the basis of a Decent Work Country Profile, which is an integrated policy analysis that can be used to inform national programmes and policy-making on decent work. The project is also providing guidelines and tools for measuring and assessing progress on decent work. This meeting will bring together the producers and users of decent work indicators to share experiences and discuss main challenges for measuring and monitoring decent work at the national level. Participants will include officials from national statistical offices, ministries of labour, and workers’ and employers’ organizations, ILO experts, and representatives from the European Commission and relevant UN agencies.