Capacity building workshop on labour force survey data management and analysis in SADC member states, Johannesburg, South Africa (10-12 December 2013)

The training aimed to strengthen the technical capacity of the staff of Bureaus of Statistics and Ministries of Labour and Employment in the use of labour force survey data for the production of decent work indicators and their analysis. The training also aimed to provide inputs for the development of national and regional labour market information databases in SADC based on the SADC Minimal list of indicators and standard definitions and concepts, as identified and discussed in previous regional meetings on measuring and monitoring employment and decent work. This training contributed to the implementation of SADC Decent Work Programme “Outcome 1.1: Functional SADC Labour Market Information System harmonized and strengthened”: Output 1.1.1: Capacity for LMIS in SADC Member States strengthened; Output 1.1.2: Institutional framework and mechanisms for collecting, analyzing and disseminating labour market information is established and strengthened at country and SADC level