
Organization responsible for the statistics

Department of Statistics, Ministry of Labour and Solidarity (Departamento de Estatística do Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade).


Compilation: Monthly.

Publication: Quarterly and annual.


Insurance companies and some enterprises which by legal decision are authorized to replace the Insurance Companies.

Objectives and users

To make known the occupational accidents and professional diseases and to introduce prevention measures.

Major users:

Social partners, enterprises and the labour administration.



Employees and self-employed workers who are registered in the Social Security System.

In 1996, approximately 3,800,000 workers were covered.

Economic activities:

All economic activities and sectors, excluding public administration, defence and obligatory social security.

Geographic areas:

The whole country.

The statistics include persons working outside the country and persons normally residing outside the country if they work for Portuguese enterprises.


All types and sizes of establishments.

Types of occupational accidents covered

The statistics cover all types of occupational accidents which are notified or compensated.

The following are also considered as occupational accidents: accidents arising:

  1. outside the workplace or working hours while performing duties in accordance with the employer's instructions;
  2. en route to or from the workplace while using transport provided by the employer or when the accident is a consequence of a particular danger on the usual itinerary or of other circumstances which increase the risk of such an itinerary;
  3. while voluntarily performing duties with a view to improving the profits of the enterprise.

Statistics on commuting accidents are presented separately, since they are not legally defined as occupational accidents.

The statistics do not cover occupational diseases.

Concepts and definitions

(Source: Law No. 2.127, of 3 August 1965).

Occupational accident:

an accident arising in the workplace and in working time, that cause directly or indirectly body injury, functional disturbance or disease which results in death or the reduction of the worker's capacity for work and for earning.

Commuting accident:

an accident sustained by a worker while en route to or from the workplace, if it occurs on the usual itinerary and in a reasonable time span.

Fatal occupational accident:

an accident resulting in a worker's death within one year after the occurrence of the accident.

Minimum period of absence from work: none.

Maximum period for death to be considered a fatal occupational injury: one year, after this period the accident is closed in statistical terms.

Types of information compiled

(a) personal characteristics of persons injured: sex, age, length of service in post and status in employment;

(b) amount of worktime lost;

(c) characteristics of accidents: day of occurrence and site of accident;

(d) characteristics of injuries: part of body injured, type of injury, degree of incapacity and number of lost days;

(e) characteristics of employers or workplaces: economic activity and geographic location.

Measurement of worktime lost

Worktime lost is measured in calendar days.

It is not measured for fatal injuries.

In the case of temporary and permanent incapacities, worktime lost is measured until the date of the definitive medical release or to the definitive conclusion of the accident.

Temporary absences for medical treatment because of an occupational accident are counted as worktime lost.


(a) fatal or non-fatal accidents;

(b) extent of disability:

according to the national table of incapacities resulting from occupational accidents and occupational diseases (Decree No. 341/93, 30 September):

(c) economic activity:

according to the Classification of Economic Activities (Classificação de Actividades Económicas): agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting; mining and natural gas extraction; manufacturing; electricity, gas and water supply; construction and public workings; trade, restaurants and hotels; transport, storing and communications; banks; community, social and personal services; unspecified activities;

(d) occupation:

as from 1996;

(e) type of injury:

type of injury: contusions, bruises; concussions and other internal injuries; open wounds; amputations, open fractures; closed fractures; luxations, dislocations; sprains, torn ligaments; asphyxiation, gassing, drowning; poisoning, burns (including chemical burns), scalds, frostbite; effects of radiation; no diagnosed injury; another type of injury not detailed: electric shock, sunstroke, heart attack, etc.;

part of body injured: entire body; head, neck and back; torso and organs of the torso; abdomen, abdominal organs, urinary system, pelvic area; shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist; hand and fingers; haunch, thigh including kneecap and knee joint, leg, ankle; foot; category not defined; unknown.

(f) cause of accident:

not applicable;

(g) duration of absence from work:

number of workdays lost (none, 1-3, 4-7, 8-14, 15-30, 31-90, 91-180, 181-365, 366 or more);

(h) characteristics of workers:

sex, age (up to 19 years, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65 or over, unknown), length of service in post, in months (up to 6, 7-12, 13-36, 37-60, 61-120, more than 120, unknown);

(i) characteristics of accidents;

(j) characteristics of employers or workplaces:

geographic location (Portugal; Continent: Norte, Centro, Lisboa and Vale do Tejo, Alentejo and Algarve; Açores; Madeira; and other locations);

(k) consequences of the accident:

accident process closed: medical leave without permanent incapacity, permanent total incapacity for any kind of work, permanent total incapacity for usual work, permanent partial incapacity, death, treatment interruption for accidents not classified, for which it is impossible to indicate a code of consequence;

accident process closed in statistical terms: medical leave without permanent incapacity, permanent total incapacity for any kind of work, permanent total incapacity for the usual work, permanent partial incapacity, death, treatment interruption for accidents not classified, for which it is impossible to indicate a code of consequence.


Reference period

Quarter and year.

An injury is included in the statistics for the period in which the occupational accident occurred or for the period when the person had recovered and returned to work.

Worktime lost is included in the statistics for the period when the person returned to work.


Total of workers injured and total number of workdays lost.

Average number of days lost because of injuries.

Percentage distributions.

Incidence rate: number of accidents recorded during the reference period divided by the average number of workers exposed to the risk during that period: (number of occupational accidents / average number of workers) x 1,000

Frequency rate: number of occupational accidents recorded during the reference period divided by the number of hours worked by all persons exposed to the risk during that period:

(number of occupational accidents / number of hours worked) x 1,000,000

Severity rate: (number of workdays lost / number of hours worked) x 1,000,000

Average number of lost days per accident: (number of lost days / number of accidents)

Historical background of the series

The statistics were first compiled in 1979 by the National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estatística) for compensation purposes.

In 1995, the statistical system was changed to improve quality of the information for prevention programmes. The changes concerned the types of information collected and some classifications (type of injury, part of the body injured and consequences of the accident).


Series available:

The following tables are published:

Quarterly and yearly:

Yearly and twice-yearly:

Incidence rates, frequency rates, severity rates and average number of workdays lost per accident, by:

Bibliographic references:

The data are published in: Departamento de Estatística do Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade: Relatórios e Análisis Estatísticas (quarterly and annual).

This publication contains methodological information about the statistics. Not all data are published; certain information can be provided on request. The data are available on diskette.

Data published by ILO:

The following data are furnished regularly to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics, relating to reported injuries according to major division of economic activity: number of persons fatally injured, number of persons injured with worktime lost, total of these two groups. The number of persons at risk (total number of workers) is also supplied and stored in the LABORSTA database.


Individual data are not disseminated, in accordance with the regulations on confidentiality (Diploma sobre o segredo estatístico).

International standards

Due consideration has been given to the recommendations and standards of the ILO as well as to the point of view of organizations of employers, workers and other users.

Method of data collection


Law No. 2.127 of 3 August 1965 and Decree No. 363/93 of 15 October.

All occupational accidents should be notified. The notification form (Participação de Acidente) should be provided to the Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Labour and Solidarity by the insurance companies until the fifteenth day of the month following the accident. The time limits for employers to notify insurance companies of occupational accidents are defined in the insurance policies.


The injured worker informs his or her employer of the occupational accident. The employer sends the notification form to the insurance company, which in turn passes the information to the Department of Statistics of the Ministry of Labour and Solidarity. Closure forms (Mapas de Encerramento) are prepared by the insurance companies and also sent to the Department of Statistics. Instructions for notification are available.

Data reported:

1. Accident notification form:

2) Closure form:

Changes planned:
