Virgin Islands (US)

Organization responsible for the statistics

The statistics are collected in the context of the Current Employment Statistics Program by the Virgin Islands Bureau of Labor Statistics, in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Objectives and users

Not available.


Strikes and lockouts

The statistics cover:

Minimum threshold None.

Economic activities

The Current Employment Statistics Program does not cover agriculture, hunting, forestry or fishing.


Workers directly involved only. In addition to regular paid employees, including part-time workers, the statistics cover temporary, casual and seasonal workers. Unpaid family workers and workers laid off or absent on sick leave, annual leave, or absent for other reasons are not included.

No particular occupational groups are excluded.

Geographic areas

Whole country.


In both the public and private sectors, data are only collected and recorded if the pay period including the 12th of the month is affected. In the private sector, only those establishments that are involved in the Current Employment Statistics Program are covered.

Types of data collected

Concepts and definitions


A protest or refusal to continue to work at a company until certain demands have been met.


The refusal by an employer to allow his employees to work, until they agree to his conditions.

These definitions come from the National Labor Relations Act.

Methods of measurement

Economic units involved

The economic unit is the establishment, defined as the reporting unit for which data are submitted on the survey form for the Current Employment Statistics Program. Information is collected if the establishment was involved in any type of strike or lockout during the pay period including the 12th of the month.

Workers involved

Information is collected in the survey on the number of workers on the establishment's payroll that took part in strikes or lockouts occurring during the pay period including the 12th of the month.


Information is collected in the survey on the duration of each strike or lockout in progress during the pay period which includes the 12th of the month. The duration is measured in calendar days, from the day the strike or lockout began to the day it ended in the particular establishment.



Reference period and periodicity

Statistics of strikes and lockouts are collected for periods of a month, but only in the context of the Current Employment Statistics Program. They relate to strikes and lockouts beginning during the particular reference period as well as those continuing from the previous period.

Analytical measures


Historical background of the series

Not available.


Series available

Not available.

Bibliographic references


Data published by the ILO

None. The data described below relate to those collected through the Current Employment Statistics Program.


Not available.

International standards

Not available.

Methods of data collection

There is no legal obligation to report the occurrence of a strike or lockout. The information is collected from the monthly report forms completed by establishments in the sample covered by the Current Employment Statistics Program. Statistics of strikes and lockouts are not compiled, but the information is available in the survey questionnaires.