
Organization responsible for the statistics

The statistics are collected, compiled and published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

Objectives and users

Not available.


Strikes and lockouts

The statistics cover: Sympathetic or solidarity strikes, political strikes and general strikes are considered to be unlawful and are not included in the statistics, nor are other unofficial strikes, go-slows, working to rule, overtime bans or sit-ins.

Minimum threshold None.

Economic activities

The following branches of economic activity or sectors are excluded: rescue and burial services; petroleum, gas, coal, electricity and water (discovery, production, refining and distribution of); banks and public notaries; public bodies for fire fighting, garbage collection, intracity transportation (road, rail and water); vaccination and serum-producing establishments, hospitals and clinics, sanatoriums, preventoriums, dispensaries, drugstores and similar establishments; schools, crèches and old people's homes; graveyards; and establishments run by the armed forces.


Workers directly involved, workers indirectly involved and workers rendered idle in economic units other than those directly involved in the strikes or lockouts. As well as regular paid employees, the statistics cover temporary, casual and seasonal workers. Although there are no special provisions in this respect in the labour legislation, part-time workers are included. Unpaid family workers are not included, not are workers laid off or workers absent on sick or annual leave.

No particular occupational groups are excluded.

Geographic areas

Whole country.

Types of data collected

Concepts and definitions


Any concerted cessation by workers of their work with the object of halting the activities of a given establishment or of paralysing such activities to a considerable extent, or any abandonment by workers of their work in accordance with a decision taken to that effect by an organization.


Any action taken by an employer or his representative, either on his own initiative or in accordance with a decision taken by an employers' organization to refuse employment to the workers and so completely halt the activities of a given establishment.

These definitions are taken from Act No. 2822 of 5 May 1983 regarding Collective Labour Agreements, Strikes and Lock-outs.

Methods of measurement

Strikes and lockouts

The basic unit of measurement used to record a strike or lockout is the establishment in the same branch of economic activity. The resumption of a strike or lockout that is interrupted but later recommences, still due to the same case of dispute, is treated as the same strike or lockout.

Work stoppages arising from the same case of dispute, occurring simultaneously or at different times, either in different establishments of the same enterprise or in establishments of different enterprises, are counted as one strike or lockout if they relate to the same branch of economic activity.

Economic units involved

The economic unit is the establishment or enterprise, providing that the enterprise comprises establishments belonging to the same branch of economic activity. The establishment is defined as the place or location where work is performed under contract of employment.

Workers involved

The number of workers involved is the total number of workers involved on the first day of the strike or lockout. Part-time workers, where relevant, are treated on the same basis as full-time workers.


The duration of a strike is measured in workdays from the date the strike or lockout began in the first economic unit involved up to the date it terminated in the last one.

Time not worked

Total time not worked, in workdays, is the product of the number of workers involved and the duration. Time not worked is measured for all workers involved directly or indirectly, but not separately. The shorter working hours of part-time workers are not taken into account, nor is overtime.


Branch of economic activity

The data are classified by branch of economic activity using a national classification with 28 levels.

Reference period and periodicity

The statistics are compiled and published for periods of six months. They refer to strikes and lockouts beginning during the particular reference period plus those continuing from the previous period.

Analytical measures


Historical background of the series

Not available.


Series available

Not available.

Bibliographic references

General Directorate for Labour (Ministry of Labour and Social Security): Labour Statistics (bi-annual).

Data published by the ILO

The number of strikes and lockouts, the number of workers involved and the number of days not worked, by economic activity.


Not available.

International standards

Not available.

Methods of data collection

There is a legal obligation on the part of trade unions to report the occurrence of a strike to the Regional Directorates of Labour supplying information concerning the date a strike commences and ends, the number of establishments, of workers involved and days not worked. This information is transmitted to the General Directorate of Labour for compilation.