
Title of the survey:

Labour Force Survey.

Organization responsible for the survey:

Planning and conduct of the survey:

Statistical Institute of Jamaica.

Analysis and publication of the results:

Statistical Institute of Jamaica.

Topics covered:

Employment, unemployment, hours of work, wages, income, duration of employment, industry, occupation, status in employment, education and second jobs.

Coverage of the survey:


Whole country.

Population groups:

All persons aged 14 years and over with the exception of persons living institutions, the non resident citizens and the diplomats.

Availability of estimates from other sources for the excluded areas/groups:

No information.

Groups covered by the survey but excluded from the published results:

No information.


Conduct of the survey:

Quarterly survey conducted in January, April, July and October.

Publication of results:


Reference periods:


One week.

Seeking work:

Three months.

Availability for work:

No information.

Concepts and definitions:


The employed comprises all those aged 14 years and over who, during the survey week, have worked for at least one hour and those who had jobs but were temporarily absent from work. Persons working include those who:
  1. worked for wages or salary, at time rates, at price rates, on commission, for tips, for board and lodgings, or for any other type of payment in kind;
  2. worked as trainees or apprentices;
  3. worked for profit or fees in his own business;
  4. worked without money, wages or salary, at tasks (other than their own housework or household tasks) which contributed to the operation of a farm or business owned and operated for profit, in most cases by some member of his family;
  5. spent some time in the operation of a business or profession even though no sales were made or professional services rendered, such as a doctor or lawyer spending time in his office waiting for clients.
Are also included all persons who had jobs but who, for some reasons did not work during the survey week. This comprises persons who:
  1. had jobs, but worked for less than one hour during the survey week;
  2. did not work because of illness or temporary disability, but whose jobs were being held for them until their return;
  3. were unable to work because of bad weather;
  4. did not work because they were on leave, including vacation leave, with or without pay, so long as their jobs were being held for them until their return;
  5. did not work because of some labour dispute, such as strike or lockout;
  6. were on short lay-off of not more than 30 days duration, with instructions to return to work at the end of the 30 days.


The unemployed comprise all those aged 14 years and over who were looking for work, wanting work and available for work.

Persons looking for work must have made a positive attempt to seek a job such as:

  1. registration at employment agency, whether government or private;
  2. visiting job sites in search of a job;
  3. applying in person to prospective employers;
  4. putting advertisements in any public press or place;
  5. writing letters of application;
  6. asking someone to try to find a job;
  7. making investigations with a view of starting own farm or business.


Time-related underemployment:

No information.

Inadequate employment situations:

No information.

Hours of work:

Usual hours worked per week in all jobs.

Employment-related income:

Income from paid employment:

Gross average income, from employment and other sources, over the last past 12 months.

Income from self-employment:

See above.

Informal sector:

No information.

Usual activity:

No information.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by industry:

Employed and unemployed (industry of last job for the unemployed).

Number of groups used for coding:


Links to ISIC:



Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by occupation:

Employed and unemployed (occupation of last job for the unemployed).

Number of groups used for coding:


Links to ISCO:

Partially linked to ISCO-88.

Status in employment:

Title of the classification:

National classification.

Population groups classified by status in employment:


Groups used for classification:

Five groups: paid government employees; private sector employees; unpaid family workers; employers; own-account workers.

Links to ICSE:



Title of the classification:

Not applicable.

Population groups classified by education:

Not applicable.

Groups used for classification:

Not applicable.

Links to ISCED:

Not applicable.

Sample size and design:

Ultimate sampling unit:


Sample size (ultimate sampling units):

A two stage stratified sampling of 7,648 dwellings based on the 1997 listing.

Overall sampling fraction:

1.5 per cent.

Sample frame:

The 1991 Population Census results.

Updating of the sample:

Every 3 years on the basis of the new listings.



Four panels are covered in each round of the survey.

Percentage of units remaining in the sample for two consecutive survey rounds:

50 per cent.

Maximum number of interviews per sample unit:

No information.

Length of time for complete renewal of the sample:

One year.

Field work:

Type of interview:

Personal interview with paper and pencil.

Number of ultimate sampling units per sample area:

No information.

Duration of field work:


Tree to four weeks.

Per sample area:

No information.

Survey organization:


Number of field staff:

3 senior supervisors, 16 supervisors and 65 interviewers.

Substitution of non-responding ultimate sampling units:


Estimation and adjustments:

Total non-response rate:

No information.

Adjustment for total non-response:


Imputation for item non-response:


Adjustment for areas/population not covered:


Adjustment for undercoverage:


Adjustment for overcoverage:


Adjustment for seasonal variations:


History of the survey:

Title and date of the first survey:

The Labour Force 1968.

Significant changes or revisions:

In 1991, new industrial classification.

Documentation and dissemination:


Survey results:

The Labour Force (annually).

Survey methodology:

The Labour Force (annually).


Time needed for initial release of survey results:

6 months.

Advance information of public about date of initial release:


Availability of unpublished data upon request:


Availability of data in machine-readable form:


