
1.Title of the survey:

Labour force sample survey (LFSS).

2.Organization responsible for the survey:

State Department for Statistics.

3.Coverage of the survey:

(a) Geographical:

The whole country with the exception of Apkhazeti and the South Osseti.

(b) Persons covered:

All the population aged 15 years and over. Excluded are: 1.persons absent from the household twelve months or more; 2.military personnel (conscripts and career) living in barracks 3.inmates of penal and mental institutions;

4.Periodicity of the survey:

The survey, which has been conducted since January 1998, is quarterly.

5.Reference period:

The calendar week.

6.Topics covered:

Economically active and not economically active population, including main and secondary employment, classified by place of residence, age, sex, type of economic activity, level of education, status in employment, hours worked, reasons for seeking a new job; as well as registered and informal employment, and underemployment due to extended absences from work; duration and reasons of unemployment.

7.Concepts and definitions:

(a) Employment:

All persons of 15 years of age and over who, during the reference week:
  1. did any work at all as paid employees during for at least one hour; and
  2. all those who were not working but who had jobs or businesses from which they were temporarily absent.
Included in the totals are:
  1. full- and part-time workers seeking other work during the reference period;
  2. full- and part-time students working full- or part-time;
  3. persons who performed some work during the reference week while being either retired and receiving a pension; or were registered as job seekers at an employment office or receiving unemployment benefits;
  4. paid and unpaid family workers (if they worked at least twelve hours);
  5. private domestic servants;
  6. members of producers' co-operatives;
  7. members of the armed forces living in households.
Excluded are persons whose only activity consisted of work around the house (painting, repairing, or own housework) and on the family farming plots for their own consumption; as well as volunteer work for religious, charitable and similar organizations. They are considered as not economically active.

(b) Underemployment:

(c) Unemployment:

All persons of 15 years and over who had no employment during the reference week, were available for work, except for temporary illness, and who had made specific steps to find employment during the four weeks previous to the interview. Also included are persons who found a job and made arrangements to start a new job on a date subsequent to the reference period. Seeking work includes all steps taken by a person in order to find work or start entrepreneurship: registration with employment offices, placing and answering advertisements, seeking assistance of relatives and friends, arranging for financial resources, etc.

(d) Hours of work:

(e) Informal sector:

(f) Usual activity:

8.Classifications used:

(a) Industry:

(b) Occupation:

(c) Status in employment:

(d) Level of education/qualifications:

9.Sample size and design:

(a) The sample frame:

The LFSS sample was built up on the basis of the 1989 Population Census.

(b) The sample:

The survey uses a stratified two-stage area sampling design in which probability of selection is proportional to the population size. At the first stage, 282 enumeration districts (EDs) are selected from the total of 12,000, using a random start. The selection is made so that each strata should have a number of EDs which can be divided by 3 without remainder (for the purpose of equal distribution among the months of the four quarters). Each urban strata has 712 sample addresses and each rural strata has 16-24 sample addresses. At the second stage 3,351 households are selected systematically using a random start, which represents 0.3% of the total number of households.

(c) Rotation:

The sample has the following rotation pattern: selected EDs are equally divided into 12 rotation groups at the level of each strata. Each month the sample is renewed by 8.3%, which means that during a year the whole sample is renewed. Any household entering the sample is interviewed for a period of four consecutive quarters and then leaves the sample for ever.

10.Field work:

(a) Data collection:

(b) Substitution of ultimate sampling units:

11.Quality controls:

12.Weighting the sample:

13.Sampling errors:


(a) Population not covered:

(b) Under/overcoverage:

(c) Non-response:

15.Seasonal adjustment:

16.Non-sampling errors:

17.History of the survey:


Preliminary results of LFSS were published in a press release prepared by the Department of Statistics. Final results are published in the Yearbook of Statistics.