Publications on Work-life balance

  1. Reconciling work and family responsibilities. Practical ideas from global experience

    14 June 2005

    Looks at and synthesizes the experience of governments, employers and trade unions in various countries.

  2. Hours of work. From fixed to flexible? Report of the Committee of Experts on the application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution). Report 93 III (Part 1B)

    07 March 2005

    Reviews law and practice of ILO Member States relating to hours of work, with particular reference to the Hours of Work (Industry) Convention, 1919 (No.1) and the Hours of Work (Commerce and Offices) Convention, 1930 (No. 30).

  3. Working time and health

    21 May 2004

  4. Working time and workers’ preferences in industrialized Countries. Finding the balance

    09 March 2004

    This volume examines the changing nature in working time in industrialized countries. Globalization, demographics changes, increasing numbers of women in the labour market; all these changes have resulted in working time arrangements which now look vastly different from what they did several decades ago.

  5. Violence at work in hotels, catering and tourism

    01 October 2003

  6. Violence and stress at work in the performing arts and in journalism

    01 June 2003

    This review aims to identify issues relating to violence and stress affecting employees working in the media and the performing arts, covering a variety of jobs including acting, dancing, musical performance, media work and front-line journalism.

  7. Care work: The quest for security

    25 January 2002

  8. Guidance for the prevention of stress and violence at the workplace

    16 October 2001

    This guidance addresses the nature of stress and violence at work, whether and how work stress and violence affect health and well-being, and what can be done to eliminate or reduce these problems. Employers, employees and their respective organisations are encourage to use this guidance, implement and continually refine their actions and programmes to eliminate and control the problems of stress and violence at work.

  9. The cost of violence/stress at work and the benefits of a violence/stress-free working environment

    01 January 2001

    This report explores the issues of stress and violence at work with the aim of establishing the costs these problems may present to the individual, the organisation and society.

  10. The hours that we work: the data we need, the data we get

    01 January 2001